Thank you very much Pam for these edits. We appreciate the time you and your RrSG colleagues put in to reviewing the proposed CPIF amendments.


We’ll coordinate a review of your input on our end, and will work to integrate it into an updated CPIF along with any other input that may be forthcoming.


All best,





Brian Aitchison

Lead Researcher

Operations & Policy Research

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Los Angeles, CA

p. 310 578 8688

m. 424 353 9041


Sk. brian.aitchison.icann


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From: Pam Little <>
Reply-To: Pam Little <>
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 4:04 PM
To: Karen Lentz <>, "" <>, council <>, Brian Aitchison <>, Marika Konings <>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [council] Consensus Policy Implementation Framework Updates - input by 31 July 2018


Hi Marika, Brian, Karen


Please find attached suggested edits from the RrSG for consideration.


As you will see, most of them are minor tweaks, except our proposed changes around data and metrics for measuring policy effectiveness. We understand this was one of the issues identified in the CCT Review so our suggested changes are intended to clarify:

  • Who will collect the data - Here the responsible party is "All" (so there could be a potential risk of "no ownership"). We think ICANN services should be responsible for collecting the data (not the contracted parties, unless it is mandated in the contracts or the policy).
  • When to collect the data - We suggest this should start as soon as the policy becomes effective.
  • When the data should be made available  - We suggest the data and metrics should be included in Compliance Annual Report and made available for scheduled formal review and post-implementation policy status report.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be happy to explain our thinking/reasons for the proposed changes.


Kind regards,





Sender:Marika Konings <>

Sent at:2018 Jul 31 (Tue) 21:53 <>

Cc:Brian Aitchison <>; Karen Lentz <>

Subject:Re: [council] Consensus Policy Implementation Framework Updates - input by 31 July 2018


Reminder - please let staff know by COB today (31 July) if you have any concerns about the updated CPIF document.


Best regards,




From: council <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 16:36
To: "" <>
Cc: Brian Aitchison <>, Karen Lentz <>
Subject: [council] Consensus Policy Implementation Framework Updates - input by 31 July 2018


Dear All,


As discussed during today’s meeting, please find attached the proposed changes to the Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (CPIF). As noted, As noted Point H of the CPIF directs “ICANN staff [to] continually review the implementation framework and related materials to encapsulate additional best-practices or to adjust the steps as a result of lessons learned with previous Consensus Policy projects,”. A cross-functional group of representatives from ICANN’s GDD and GNSO Policy Development Support teams have reviewed the Framework, and are proposing a number of amendments to it for the consideration of the GNSO Council (see attached). As noted, these changes are intended to further clarify and detail some of the steps of the CPIF – these are not changes to any existing processes, procedures or the original Policy & Implementation WG recommendations.

Donna referred to a slide deck that was used for the update that was provided for the April Council meeting but those slides (attached here) actually refer to another part of this effort that we are still looking for input on which is the Post-Implementation Consensus Policy Review Framework.

With regards to the CPIF, please let staff know if you have any concerns about this updated version being posted by 31 July. We will try to identify another opportunity to further discussion the Post-Implementation Consensus Policy Review Framework (for those interested, a survey was opened a while back, but to date only one Council members has responded: []). I’ve also copied Brian and Karen from GDD who should be able to answer any further questions you may have.

Best regards,
