Additionally, please see this letter from Patrik regarding SSAC’s concerns on SSR2. You may have seen this previously, but it’s useful to have this handy for our discussion tomorrow.

Thank you,

James Bladel
GNSO Chair

On Oct 28, 2017, 18:10 +0400, James M. Bladel <>, wrote:
Councilors -

You may have already heard this news, but please see the attached letter from the Board regarding suspension of the SSR2 Review Team. Both the Board and SSR2 are on our agenda tomorrow, so please come prepared with your questions.

Thank you,

James Bladel
GNSO Chair

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Olive <>
Date: Oct 28, 2017, 14:55 +0400
Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] Board Letter to SSR2

Dear Community Leaders: 

Please find attached a letter from ICANN board regarding the SSR2 RT.

Best regards, 


On behalf of Board Operations.