Here's the Rec6 CWG report that was sent to the Board and the new gTLD implementation team today. Please note that GNSO comments are requested so please forward it to your respective groups for review and discussion in our 7 Oct meeting.

Thanks, Chuck


From: David Olive []
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 06:29 PM
To: Secretary <>
Cc: Gomes, Chuck; Cheryl Langdon-Orr <>; <>; <>; Kurt Pritz <>
Subject: Report on Implementation of GNSO New GTLD Recommendation #6
Dear ICANN Secretary:

This Board Communication is sent at the request of Chuck Gomes, Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Heather Dryden,  on behalf of the Recommendation 6 Community Working Group (Rec 6 CWG).

This Report published on 21 September 2010 from the New gTLD Recommendation #6 Cross-Community Working Group (“Rec6 CWG”) addresses implementation of the GNSO Council’s New gTLD Recommendation # 6 (Rec6).   This Report describes recommendations for improving the proposed implementation plan for Rec6 as described in the Draft Applicant Guidebook-v4.

There is consensus among the members of the Rec6 CWG that the proposed implementation model for Rec6 is flawed in certain respects and can be improved. The Rec6 CWG believes that the recommendations described in this Report, as summarized in Section 3 of this Report, and described in detail in Annex 3, would improve the implementation of Rec6.

We kindly request that this Report be included in the materials for the Board’s consideration at the retreat.    
Thank you for your consideration of this request.


David A. Olive
Vice President, Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 - Washington, D.C.    20005
Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611