Dear All,

There was a request during the GNSO Council wrap up session to obtain further information about the new gTLD Session that had been submitted by ICANN to take place during the WSIS Forum which takes place from 2-6 May in Geneva, Switzerland. This session is currently scheduled for 2 May from 14.30 –16.15 (see Draft Agenda (as of 24/03/2016)) and is titled 'the gTLD Programme: Looking Forward to a Future Application Round'. The request for this session noted that 'The Workshop will explore and discuss the lessons learned from the 1st Round of gTLD applications which took place in 2012 and will look forward to the process ICANN has embarked on in preparation for a 2nd Round of applications’. The responsible staff will now start to scope out this session following the approval of the ITU of the request. 

Best regards,
