Colleagues -

Thanks, Wolf-Ulrich, for keeping this issue front of mind.  

I also hope that everyone has had a chance to initiate discussions of the GNSO Work Party report within their SGs and Cs.  As for my SG, I can report that Registrars recently put together a team to analyze this work, and give feedback to our Councilors (Volker, Jen and myself) in advance of the next Council call.

Additionally, Donna, Heather, and I have worked with Staff to arrange an informational webinar to present the GNSO Review Recommendations, and answer questions from Councilors.  This webinar is tentatively scheduled for 11 or 12 APR.  Please keep an eye out for an invitation with details on dialing/connecting to this session.

Thank you—


From: <> on behalf of WUKnoben <>
Reply-To: WUKnoben <>
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 7:27
To: GNSO Council List <>
Subject: [council] GNSO Review WP Feasibility&Prioritization Motion

Dear council colleagues,
I hope you’ve returned safely and could take some rest from the Marrakech meeting.
I’d like to call to your mind that on the occasion of the public council meeting I’ve withdrawn the motion on the GNSO Review WP Feasibility&Prioritization since from the discussion it became obvious that more SG/C-internal information exchange was needed before submitting the material to the OEC of the Board.
The next council call where the motion could be discussed is scheduled on 14 April with the motion submission deadline on 04 April. This counts a bit more than 2 weeks from now – with the Easter holidays in between. Therefore I would highly appreciate you initiating talks in your related SG/C. Please enter any question/comment to the list you may have regarding the (see attached)
  • feasibility assessment and prioritization of the GNSO review WP
  • draft motion

Best regards
