Hi all,


For the sake of transparency now that this has become an item on the list: the ccNSO council discussed the request and replied to Philippe that the ccNSO will not assign any members to this PDP effort, due to the low relevance for ccTLD managers and the low impact of the gTLD Transfer Policy on the ccNSO. Background is that each individual ccTLD manager is responsible for its own local policies. It is not in the mandate of the ccNSO to create common policies on the registration of domain names at second level (or below).


Nonetheless, the ccNSO Secretariat is available to share potential calls for volunteers among the ccTLD community. So if awarded a member seat, as I understand is the suggestion now, I expect that we will send out a call for volunteers under the ccTLD managers.







Van: council <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> namens Cheryl Langdon-Orr via council <council@gnso.icann.org>
Beantwoorden - Aan: Cheryl Langdon-Orr <langdonorr@gmail.com>
Datum: donderdag 11 maart 2021 om 02:31
CC: Council GNSO <council@gnso.icann.org>
Onderwerp: Re: [council] Fwd: PDP to Review the Transfer Policy - Input requested on composition and timing - Please respond by Wed 16 February


Further to Jeff as GNSO Liaison to the GAC passing on a response from the GSC, the weekly ALAC  Combined Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting of the At-Large community was held earlier today, at this call the Review of the Transfer Policy was discussed. 


Maureen as ALAC Chair passed on the message below to Philippe offering the names of 3 potential Representatives of the ALAC (noting 1 Holly was a participant in the previous PDP parts), Philippe has suggested that I in my capacity of ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council pass this message on to the Council, this is now  inserted as a snip below to this thread.



Kindest regards





"...During the CPWG  which is still happening, three people have offered to represent At-Large on this PDP. I also include their backgrounds to give you an idea of whom we are offering. We realise that all 3 slots may not be available to us so are willing to be flexible in our membership of this PDP.


1. Joanna Kulesza -academia

2. Steiner Grotterod - registry/registrar

3. Holly Raiche - legal


Maureen " <End Snip>




On Thu, Mar 11, 2021, 00:18 Jeff Neuman via council <council@gnso.icann.org> wrote:



Please find the attached response from the GAC Chair, who as I predicted, has asked for at least 3 seats.




Jeffrey J. Neuman

Founder & CEO

JJN Solutions, LLC





[cc’ing Jorge Cancio, GAC point of contact to the GNSO, and Jeff Neuman GNSO Liaison to the GAC]


Dear Philippe ..


I have just found out that my response to your below message got stuck in my outbox and has never gone through ..

So with sincere apologies for this really late reply, kindly note that the GAC will be looking forward to participating to the mentioned working group despite the current workload, and would appreciate at least 3 seats to accommodate for representation from the GAC as well as the GAC’s Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) ..


Kind Regards



From: philippe.fouquart@orange.com <philippe.fouquart@orange.com>
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 5:10 PM
To: aso-chairs@aso.icann.org; katrina@nic.lv; haforrestesq@gmail.com; wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de; mcole@perkinscoie.com; bruna.mrtns@gmail.com; rbeauregardlacroix@gmail.com; plommer@gmail.com; aheineman@godaddy.com; sdemetriou@verisign.com; maureen.hilyard@gmail.com; Manal Ismail <manal@tra.gov.eg>; fred@isc.org; rod@rodrasmussen.com
Cc: gnso-secs@icann.org; carlos.reyes@icann.org; Kimberly.carlson@icann.org; Steve.chan@icann.org; Brenda.brewer@icann.org; Gnso-chairs@icann.org; Maryam.bakoshi@icann.org; secretariat@icannregistrars.org; secretariat@rysg.info; staff@atlarge.icann.org; gac-staff@icann.org; steve.sheng@icann.org; ozan.sahin@icann.org; Kathy.schnitt@icann.org
Subject: PDP to Review the Transfer Policy - Input requested on composition and timing - Please respond by Wed 16 February


Dear Supporting Organization, Advisory Committee, Stakeholder Group, and Constituency Chairs,


I am writing to request your input on the composition and timing of a potential GNSO Policy Development Process Working Group (PDP WG) to the Review of the Transfer Policy. As you may know, the GNSO Council requested a Preliminary Issue Report on this topic and has now received the Final Issue Report from Policy Support Staff. The GNSO Council will be considering whether to initiate a PDP to review the Transfer Policy during its 18 February meeting and will also be discussing the composition of the Working Group should it be initiated.


The draft Charter included as Annex A of the Final Issue Report describes a Working Group with a representative model and a limited number of members. The following summarizes the proposed roles: 


·         Members, who are responsible for active participation, preliminary deliberations, and consensus; 

·         Alternates, who only participate if a Member is not available, but will be responsible for keeping up with Working Group;

·         Observers, who may follow the work but do not have posting or speaking rights during WG meetings. 


The GNSO Council recognizes that the subject matter of this PDP may be of greater interest to some groups than others. We also recognize that community volunteer resources may be limited and available resources may depend on the timing of the PDP’s initiation. Therefore, the GNSO Council is interested in your group’s input on the following questions:


·         Is your group comfortable with the proposed membership model as outlined above?

·         Can you provide an indication of how many members you believe your group would like to assign to this Working Group?

·         Do you have any concerns from a resource perspective about the PDP beginning as soon as possible? If so, please provide details.


In order to ensure that your input is considered as part of the 18 February GNSO Council discussion, please provide responses by 16 February at 23:59 UTC.


Thank you in advance for your feedback and I look forward to providing an update soon.


Kind regards,


Philippe Fouquart

GNSO Chair



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