As we have seen in other areas (e.g., the proliferation of staff-initiated cross community working groups, the call for primary comment from the Council on issues of interest to the constituencies, the reliance on outside experts), ICANN is moving to rely on credentials and hierarchy to accelerate its decision making time frames in the face of political need.  We ought to avoid succumbing to such stimulus & response by offering up a proposal or two of our own that aligns with the expectations of the constituencies and stakeholder groups we represent.
By setting the agenda on a question of "4 or 5" we miss the larger point of empowering the muilti-stakeholder, consensus-driven, bottom-up process.  If that is too messy a place for the IANA contract to reside (which, I think, is Fadi's goal in all of this), then so be it.
--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: RE: [council] Enhancing ICANN Accountability | ICANN - Proposed Next Steps for the Process
From: "Jonathan Robinson" <>
Date: 5/29/14 7:44 am

Thanks Avri,

From my perspective, you raise an important additional / related point here
on parity.

To the extent that the GNSO "gets" its 4 or more participants, what does
this mean for the other SO & ACs?
Also, if any issue in the group goes beyond discussion and is taken to a
vote, how many votes per SO / AC?


-----Original Message-----
From: Avri Doria []
Sent: 25 May 2014 16:35
Subject: Re: [council] Enhancing ICANN Accountability | ICANN - Proposed
Next Steps for the Process


I understand why many think that we need 4 reps, and that seems like it
should be easy to agree with.

My thoughts go to parity. Are we also arguing that all other groups should
have 4 (numerical parity), or are we saying each according to their needs
(some sort of social/organizational parity). For example, do we support
that At-Large, which is organized around regions, should get 5. Needs based
parity is ok with me, I just want to be clear.

I also am concerned that we seem to believe that it is impossible for each
house to find someone who can neutrally and equitably represent the
interests, needs and viewpoints of both sides of a house. Though this is
perhaps more a question for the GNSO review.
