Dear Councilors,


As mentioned during the GNSO Council Strategic Planning session, staff has committed to share some materials for your review and consideration.


Firstly, you can find the letter from the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG co-chairs on Work Track 5 (geographic names at the top-level) to the chairs of the ALAC, ccNSO, and GAC on the GNSO Correspondence page or directly here:


Secondly, it was mentioned that there are supplemental materials to the CCWG Framework. The CCWG Framework in its entirety and as adopted by the GNSO Council is available here: However, staff developed a “user guide” of sorts to help in understanding the framework and that can also be found on the GNSO Correspondence page, or directly here: In addition, a comparison chart (attached) was developed to highlight the differences between CCWGs and GNSO PDP WGs, and in doing so, to help the community in determining the applicability of the CCWG model for resolving a particular issue.







Steven Chan

Policy Director, GNSO Support



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