Hi All,


As Rafik kindly pointed out the link to the Rec27 Wave 1 Proposed Approach document link is wrong. I’ve attached here for easy reference.



Thank you.





Berry Cobb


GNSO Policy Consultant


From: council <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> On Behalf Of policy@bacinblack.com
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 19:56
To: council@gnso.icann.org
Subject: [council] GNSO Council Extraordinary


Dear GNSO Council,


Please find attached the work products and links to the materials that will be used for the extraordinary meeting scheduled for 16 July 2020 at 21:30 UTC. As noted on the prior email, Council leadership and staff produced a pre-recorded meeting to demonstrate how the Program Management and ADR tools work. It will be important to listen to this recording prior to the scheduled meeting as it provides context and rationale for how decisions/actions appear on the radar. You will want to select the Zoom recording, as it visually demonstrates the tools.


Also provided are links to the documents used to help inform the contents of these tools based on the best possible information. You will also find links to these documents within the ADR as applicable for each line item.


We hope you find these tools useful (specifically the ADR) as the Council continues its work toward prioritizing the active projects and near term decisions that are required. In particular and in preparation for the meeting, you will want to focus you preparation on the items listed within the “0 Month to 1 Month” and “1 Month to 3 Months” range markers.



Zoom Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/9PUlJZX79FlLXIWOz3z4d4hxNdzAX6a82iEZqaVemh7MQt0y4ptxqEaDp-1nPJYH?startTime=1594332382000

Audio Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/vZMtfuD6qmg3HYCXsgSDVPR4W9W0Kq2s0XUarPZcmhqyBXJVOwakNbQXa7czB9y9KUOZdYO8ya4ZFCV4


Work Products:

Should you have any questions prior to the meeting, please send them to the email list, and I will respond accordingly.


Thank you.




Berry Cobb


GNSO Policy Consultant