Sending on behalf of the GNSO Council Leadership Team


Dear All,


As communicated during the GNSO Council meeting on 14 March 2018, Keith Drazek advised of his intention to step down as the GNSO Council Liaison as soon as a replacement has been found. As a reminder, the role of the GNSO liaison to the ccNSO is to follow the deliberations of the ccNSO and note issues or topics being discussed that are of mutual interest. Furthermore, the liaison is expected to be available to answer any questions or relay any queries the ccNSO may have for the GNSO Council. As such, the GNSO liaison to the ccNSO is expected to:


If you are interested in volunteering to serve as the GNSO Council liaison to the ccNSO, please communicate your interest to the mailing list. To maintain continuity, the Council should confirm a replacement during its meeting at ICANN61.


Best regards,


Heather, Donna and Rafik


Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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