Dear Councilors:

The Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team will begin its work shortly, and to date, no GNSO Councilors have signed up to participate in this Scoping Team.


As this Scoping Team may ultimately recommend chartering a new PDP, it would be preferable to have at least one GNSO Council liaison aware of the recommendations the group intends to make. Additionally, a Council member would also be helpful in keeping the Scoping Team mindful of the GNSO Council and community’s current and upcoming workload.


While we are sympathetic to everyone’s busy schedules, we would like to ask for at least one volunteer, though more than one is encouraged, to follow and/or contribute to the work of the Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team. This Scoping Team is expected to meet on a bi-weekly basis and conduct most of its work offline. This commitment is expected to last through February 2020.


If anyone is willing to step forward to assist, please respond to the list. This is just one example of our need for active engagement by Councilors in the year ahead.


Best regards,

