Dear Council members,
Following Chuck Gomes' factual corrections to the informational introduction of the Issues Report on Domain Tasting, I have revised the report and am re-submitting it to the Council.
Please find attached the revised and final version of the Issues Report on Domain Tasting produced by ICANN staff and originally submitted to Council on 29 May, 2007. Details of factual corrections made to the 29 May version are in Annex 3 of this document. 
Many thanks to Chuck for his corrections (His email is copied below, FYI).
Best regards, Maria Farrell 

From: Gomes, Chuck []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:02 PM
To: Maria Farrell; Council GNSO
Subject: RE: [council] Issues Report on Domain Tasting

Thanks Maria and all of the staff who worked together to produce this report.  I have a few comments that, although not material with regard to the staff recommendations in the report, I think are important for all to understand as the report is considered.
Section 1.1 Definitions Add Grace Period (AGP)
Please note that the following statement in the 3rd paragraph is misleading: "When a name is deleted by the registry during this period, money on deposit with the registry is refunded to the registrar."  First of all, at least with regard to .com and .net registrations but likely with other gTLDs as well, it is very rare for a registrar to have 'money on deposit' with the registry.  This is an important point for at least two reasons: 1) some people think that registries benefit financially from new registrations that are deleted in the 5-day add-grace period (AGP) and that is simply not true; 2) refunds are not required because it is simply a matter of crediting a registrars account - there is no exchange of money, only adjustments to credit limits that are back upped by instruments such as letters of credit.
Section 1.2  Background
Whereas the general information provided in this section seems fine, there are a few details that are missing:
Section 3.2  Issue Background
Chuck Gomes
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From: [] On Behalf Of Maria Farrell
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11:55 AM
To: 'Council GNSO'
Subject: [council] Issues Report on Domain Tasting

Dear Council members,
Attached is the Issues Report on Domain Name Tasting requested by the At-Large Advisory Committee on 9 May (
Best regards,
Maria Farrell