Dear All,


Ahead of the official Council minutes, the following resolution was passed at the Council meeting on Thursday, 18 February 2010.


Motion on the Proposed Process for GNSO Endorsement of Nominees to the AoC Accountability and Transparency RT  as  amended.


WHEREAS, in furtherance of ICANN’s responsibilities under the Affirmation of Commitments, applicants are being sought to volunteer to serve on the review team for Accountability and Transparency <link to >;


WHEREAS, the Accountability and Transparency review team will include members endorsed by the GNSO in its efforts;


WHEREAS, the GNSO Council desires to adopt a one-time process to provide endorsements for applicants to serve on the first Accountability and Transparency review;



RESOLVED, that the Endorsement Process described in the attached document

is hereby approved;


RESOLVED FURTHER, that each Stakeholder Group and the GNSO Council Nominating Committee appointees should immediately commence their selection processes in accordance with the Endorsement Process;


RESOLVED FURTHER, ICANN Staff is directed to post and distribute the Endorsement Process as widely as possible to all GNSO related groups in an effort to inform qualified applicants of the important work of the Accountability and Transparency review team;


RESOLVED FURTHER, the Council shall form an Evaluation Team made up of one Councilor from each SG plus one Nominating Committee Appointee in its meeting on 18 February to assess the responses and report to the Council list not later than 10 March or 14 March;


RESOLVED FURTHER, ICANN Staff is directed to schedule a Special Council Teleconference call on 15, 16 or 17 March at a time that maximizes Councilor participation for the purpose of finalizing GNSO endorsements;


RESOLVED FURTHER, the Affirmation of Commitments Review Drafting Team is requested to continue its work to develop a longer-term process for Council consideration in April.


The motion passed by a roll call vote.
18 Votes in favour


6 votes in favour Contracted Parties House

Chuck Gomes, Edmon Chung, Caroline Greer, Stéphane van Gelder, Tim Ruiz, Adrian Kinderis.

Absent: Terry Davis NCA

12 votes in favour Non Contracted Parties House

Zahid Jamil, Jaime Wagner, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Kristina Rosette, David Taylor, Rafik Dammak, Rosemary Sinclair, Debra Hughes, Mary Wong, Wendy Seltzer, Bill Drake, and Olga Cavalli.

One abstention Mike Rodenbaugh- reason to be provided


An evaluation team was formed consisting of:

Adrian Kinderis - Registrar Stakeholder Group
Caroline Greer – gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben – Commercial Stakeholder Group

Bill Drake – Non Commercial Stakeholder Group

Olga Cavalli – NCA
Margie Milam – Policy Staff support


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat