

Through my personal consultancy company, Ipracon Ltd, I have entered into an agreement to assist Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren BV ovve CVBA with their work on the implementation of ICANN’s TMCH. 


You may recall that ICANN contracted or plans to contract separately with both Deloitte (Clearinghouse Services) and IBM (Database and Interface with Registries). 


I will work only with Deloitte, exploiting expertise I gained through both execution work on the .xxx sunrise and the subsequent RFI response I participated in on for the TMCH. 

I will not work with IBM and will not have anything to do with their work with registries or the pricing of that service.


Accordingly, I have updated my ICANN SOI.  The full SOI can be seen here:








For reference, an extract from ICANN’s November 26 2012 blog (which I believe to be the most current public information) is copied below:


ICANN has continued to negotiate the agreements for database services with IBM and for validation services with Deloitte to include additional terms that will provide ICANN with maximum operational flexibility and guaranteed stewardship of the trademark database.

Here is an overview:

§  ICANN retains all intellectual property rights in the Trademark Clearinghouse data.

§  Deloitte’s validation services are to be non-exclusive. ICANN may add additional validators after a threshold of minimum stability is met.

§  Trademark submission fees are capped at USD 150 per record. Discounts are available for bulk & multi-year submissions.

§  IBM will charge Deloitte for database access via an application processing interface (API), and will charge registries and registrars for real-time access to the database during the sunrise and claims periods.

§  ICANN may audit Deloitte’s performance (and revenues/costs) to confirm that the costs and fees for validation services are reasonable.

We are moving to sign agreements as soon as possible and the agreements will be posted once signed.