Dear Colleagues


I understand the announcement today regarding the EOI has caused confusion among some of you, primarily because the text used had not been considered fully and agreed by the Council.


Given the time constraints that we are under to commence the EPDP, Heather, Rafik and I met on Thursday afternoon after the wrap up session and agreed that we would aim to publish the EOI today. Marika sent a note to the epdp-dt mailing list with proposed text and calling for input by UTC 18.00 on Friday 29 June. Ayden and I had some comments and these were taken into account and reflected in the announcement.


Perhaps what we were unclear about was the inclusion of some of the additional text and Annex A—Chair Responsibilities and Expectations in the announcement. To the extent that there is concern about any of the text contained in the EOI could I ask that you respond to this email identifying the concerns and we will endeavor to make amends.


On behalf of Council leadership, I sincerely apologise for the confusion. I hope that this does not create any distrust in the process that we are currently undertaking. I hope that we all can continue with the constructive engagement.




Donna obo of the Council Leadership Team


From: Epdp-dt [] On Behalf Of Marika Konings
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 1:32 PM
Subject: [Epdp-dt] Announcement for Expressions of Interest for EPDP Team Chair position has been posted


Dear All,


Please note that the announcement to call for expressions of interest for the EPDP Team Chair position has now been posted (see You are encouraged to share this announcement with your respective groups and anyone else who may be interested.


Best regards,




Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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