Thank you, Nathalie.




From: <> on behalf of Nathalie Peregrine <>
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 8:44
To: GNSO Council List <>
Cc: "''" <>
Subject: [council] Submission of GNSO Council Comment on Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget


Dear all,


The GNSO Council Comment on Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget had been posted:


It can be viewed in the Public Comment Forum:


Kind regards,




From: Marika Konings <>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 5:20 PM
To: Nathalie Peregrine <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Submission of GNSO Council Comment on Draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget


Hi Nathalie – can you submit the GNSO Budget Comment to the public comment forum ( Please accompany it with the message below and the attachment ( Also cc Xavier. Once it has been posted, please send a note to the GNSO Council.


Thank you,






On behalf of James Bladel, GNSO Chair, please find attached the input from the GNSO Council on the draft FY18 Operating Plan and Budget which was adopted unanimously by the GNSO Council during its meeting on 20 April.




Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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