A simple majority is defined as a simple majority of each house which is translates to:

Motion or Action 






(see appendix 1 of the GNSO Operating Procedures for all voting thresholds).

Best regards,


On 12/01/16 01:15, "James M. Bladel" <jbladel@godaddy.com> wrote:

Sorry, my phone cut off the rest of the message:

Could you repost the relevant section of the operating procedures that defines the ways we can reach a "simple majority"?

Sent via iPhone. Blame Siri.

On Jan 11, 2016, at 16:08, James M. Bladel <jbladel@godaddy.com> wrote:
Thanks for the correction Marika.
Sent via iPhone. Blame Siri.
On Jan 11, 2016, at 15:19, Marika Konings <marika.konings@icann.org> wrote:
For the record, under the GNSO Operating Procedures an abstention actually
counts as a Œno vote¹ (See section 4.5.3 - 'According to existing rules,
any abstention would not contribute to the passing of a motion; therefore,
by default, an abstention functions as a ³No² vote. The purpose of the
remedial procedures in this section is to minimize this effect¹).
Best regards,
On 11/01/16 20:12, "owner-council@gnso.icann.org on behalf of Johan
Helsingius" <owner-council@gnso.icann.org on behalf of julf@julf.com>
Hi, James, and thank you for the clarifications!
On each issue, the Council will consider the question of whether or not
the harmonized statement reflects the consolidated position of the GNSO,
including any conditions or unmet concerns expressed in SG/C comments.
will be a yes(Support) or no(Object) vote, with any abstentions having
effect of 'Support'.
And in case of lack of majority support, it will be 'limited support'?
One point on which we have been consistent is that the GNSO response is
limited to only the CCWG Third Draft, and is not responding to comments
filed by the Board or other groups.  This is essential to allow the CCWG
to proceed on any next (final?) draft and its work on WS2.
So we are assuming one more round of comments?
Hope this is helpful!
Very much so, thanks!