Dear Councilors,


Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday 22 February 2018. Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council sessions and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.  


Please ensure your wiki logins are up to date as all Action Items have been assigned to councilors and/or staff and posted on the Action Item wiki page here[]. If you are logged into the wiki when you go to that page, your name will be highlighted alongside the action item assigned to you. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.






Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE – Adoption of the Charter related to the next steps for the ICANN Procedure of Handling WHOIS conflicts with Privacy Law

Action Items:



Item 5. COUNCIL VOTE – Replacement for GNSO member for the Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the DNS (SSR2) Review Team

Action Items:



Item 6: COUNCIL UPDATE – Updated Charter for the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance

Action Items:



Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Update and discussion on the GNSO Standing Committee on Budget and Operations (SCBO) review of the Draft FY19 ICANN Operating Plan and Budget

Action Items:



Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Discussion of the Draft Post-Implementation Review Framework

Action Items:



Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Planning for ICANN61

Action Items:



Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Assignment of Council Liaisons

Action Items:



Thank you,


Kind regards,






Nathalie Peregrine

Manager, Operations Support (GNSO)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 


Skype: nathalie.peregrine.icann


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