Name of Officer: * Stephanie Perrin
Officer Email Address: *
Date Prepared: * Thursday, March 26, 2020
GNSO Organization: *
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
Officer Position or Title: *
Voting Remedy: *
Reason(s) for or condition(s) leading to the remedy: *
Tatiana Tropina has another commitment during the first half of the Council Meeting of April 16th and must be absent for half the meeting
Specific subject(s)/measure(s)/motion(s)/action(s) of the Council for which the remedy is being exercised: *
any votes taking place during the first half of the meeting
Date upon which the remedy will expire or terminate:
[Note: may not exceed 3 months initially; may be renewed by sending an email with explanation to GNSO Secretariat] *
Thursday, April 16, 2020
I affirm that a voting position has been established on the matter(s) at issue pursuant to provisions contained in our Charter or Bylaws. *
Our GNSO Councilor has been instructed on how to vote on the matter(s). *
Please identify the GNSO Councilor who will serve as the voting proxy: * Farell Folly
By submitting my personal data, I agree that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy, and agree to abide by the website Terms of Service. *
  • I Agree