Dear Councilors,

Please find Jeff's update on the SubPro odp. Note also the question on the impact of the SSAD Lite work on the SubPro odp. There will be an agenda item on our May call on this report.


-------- Message d'origine --------
De : Jeff Neuman <>
Date : 04/05/2022 18:04 (GMT+01:00)
À : FOUQUART Philippe INNOV/NET <>, "" <>, "Tomslin Samme-Nlar (" <>
Cc : Steve Chan <>, SubPro ODP Mailman List <>
Objet : SubPro Update - May 4, 2022 (SSAD LITE WILL DELAY SUBPRO ODP)

Dear GNSO Council Leadership,


Please find below my SubPro update from a call I had with the SubPro ODP Team at the end of next week.  Can you please forward to the Council List?


Please note that we really need to discuss #1 below to make sure that the Council understands and agrees with whether to move ahead with SSAD Lite prior to completing the SubPro ODP.  Doing so will cause substantial delay to the SubPro ODP according to ICANN Org.




Jeff Neuman

GNSO Liaison to the SubPro ODP





At the end of last week, the SubPro ODP Team had its monthly meeting with the GNSO Council Liaison and we covered the following topics:


  1. Impact of SSAD Lite Work:  The Council is considering asking ICANN Org to do some work designing an SSAD Lite and presenting that to the community.  The SubPro ODP Team has explained that doing so will cause at least 6 weeks delay in the SubPro ODP.  Therefore, the Council needs to consider whether that work should be done and if so whether that should be done before or after the completion of the SubPro ODP.  This is only for designing the SSAD Lite.  If the Council wants it built after the design, then that could be months more delay for the SubPro ODP.


  1. ICANN 74: 


    1. According to the ICANN ODP team, the SO/AC team that works on the agenda for the meeting rejected the proposal made by the SubPro ODP team to have a policy meeting that focused primarily on SubPro.  We are still unclear if that means that there will be no ODP sessions at ICANN 74 or whether there may be 1. 
    2. There will be a SubPro meeting during the Prep Week for ICANN 74.  Because this will be near the mid point of the ODP, we will try to make this session interactive (as much as a prep week session will be), but the goal is to not make it an update session where the entire time is spent updating the community on what has been done and whats left to do, but rather to focus on substantive issues (TBD).
    3. The SubPro ODP Team wants to let each of the SGs and Cs know that they are available to have sessions with those groups (as well as ACs) during ICANN 74 should any of them want to schedule that in their sessions.


  1. Question Set #3
    1. On April 11, 2022, Question Set #3 was sent to the Council for its comments.  Shortly thereafter I provided draft answers to the questions and sent them out to the Council (found here).  This is a reminder to please give  your input into the proposed responses.
    2. Although there has been a comment in the draft responses to the ICANN SubPro ODP Team (who has access to the Google Doc), I formally submitted the comment in the form of a clarifying question today (May 4th) about the meaning of the final question in Question Set #3.


  1. Question Set #4:  According to the ICANN ODP Team, we are going to shortly get ODP Set #4 which will be lengthy, but will hopefully be one of the last question sets as the ODP Is moving forward in its work.


  1. Timeline to Completion:  At this point there is nothing to believe that the work will not be completed on time, BUT to the extent that any further work needs to be done on SSAD Lite, this will push the ODP back by at least 6 weeks.  See #1.


If at all possible, I would like to add an agenda item on SubPro ODP for the next Council meeting so that we can discuss the impact of the SSAD Lite on the SubPro ODP and what the Council wants to prioritize.







Jeffrey J. Neuman

Founder & CEO

JJN Solutions, LLC

p: +1.202.549.5079





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