Dear Councilors,


Attached, please find the proposed final 2019 Strategic Planning Session report, with red-lined edits. Thank you all for your review.


Darcy, please take a look at the suggested edits and let me know if you find them acceptable. There was one comment on Day 2, section B where I ended up not making a change, so please let me know if you have any issues with that approach.







From: council <> on behalf of Steve Chan <>
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 1:43 PM
To: Darcy Southwell <>, "Drazek, Keith" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [council] FW: DRAFT - 2019 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session Report


Thanks very much for the suggested changes and input Darcy. I will revert a red-lined document tomorrow, to allow for any additional input from other Councilors.





From: council <> on behalf of Darcy Southwell <>
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7:45 AM
To: "Drazek, Keith" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [council] FW: DRAFT - 2019 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session Report


Thanks for the reminder, Keither.  And thanks to staff for putting this report together.  We discussed so many issues and concepts in detail during that three days ... the level of detail caputured in tihs report is impressive.  I've added some comments to the attached to highlight points of clarification or expanded detail from my perspective.





On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 5:39 PM Drazek, Keith via council <> wrote:

Hi all,


A reminder to please review the 2019 SPS Report and provide any suggested edits or comments to Steve by tomorrow.






From: council <> On Behalf Of Steve Chan
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:13 PM
To: Drazek, Keith via council <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [council] DRAFT - 2019 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session Report


Dear Councilors,


Attached, please find the draft report from the 2019 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session, which seeks to capture objectives, discussions, agreements, and action items for each of the three days. The report has been added as a brief AOB item for the upcoming Council meeting, not necessarily to discuss in detail, but to provide a high-level overview and to communicate a deadline for your review and suggested edits.


Please let me know if you have any questions.








Steven Chan

Policy Director, GNSO Support



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