I suspect that you’re right, James. Additionally, it is a different section of the by-laws, and would probably warrant a separate project and its own public comment period. Still…, the two issues (at least from a GNSO perspective) seem to me to be very interrelated.

I haven’t seen any metrics on how much board-related work is dedicated to gTLDs, but would be interested to learn more about this. Not sure if any metrics on this actually exist, or not. Also not sure about how much NomCom work is dedicated to the GNSO relative to other SOs/ACs, but appointing board members certainly affects the GNSO, as well as other aspects of the NomCom such as appointing GNSO councillors.



On Jan 5, 2015, at 5:31 PM, James M. Bladel <jbladel@godaddy.com> wrote:

"I would have alternatively liked to see an additional change being proposed; of more equal representation on the NomCom accompanied by fewer NomCom-appointed board members, and more board member being elected directly by the GNSO.

+1 to this, altho I think this would be a more substantial (bylaws?) change….
