Councilors -

See below for an update from SubPro Chair Jeff Neuman on the status of WT5 and the GAC appointed Co-Chair.


I would like to add this topic as an agenda item for discussion at our meeting in Abu Dhabi.


Thank you,





From: Jeff Neuman <>
Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 17:25

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Dale <>
Date: October 18, 2017 at 5:43:18 PM EDT
To: Jeff Neuman <>, Cheryl Langdon-Orr <>
Cc: Olga Cavalli <>, Steve Chan <>, "" <>
Subject: PDP on Subsequent Procedures: Work Track 5

Dear Co-Chairs


Further to the nomination of Olga Cavalli by the GAC as co-lead of the new Work Track 5, I have been asked by the GAC Chair and leadership group to inform you that the GAC has agreed that its participation will be subject to the following conditions:


  1. Terms of Reference for Work Track 5 should be agreed by all participating SOs/ACs. In the case of the GAC, the GAC Chair will consult with the full GAC membership to determine if Terms of Reference are acceptable.


  1. The core principles of cross-community working groups should be included in the terms of reference for Work Track 5. Consistent with this, there should be equal participation of all relevant SOs/ACs, including in assessment of consensus calls, within the Work Track. Final recommendations from the Work Track should be agreed by all participating SOs/ACs before being submitted to the PDP plenary. In the case of the GAC this will require that the GAC adopt a specific position according to its usual procedures.


  1. GAC will, in accordance with its own procedures, consider nomination of members to the Work Track and encourage all GAC members to participate on an individual basis. 


  1. In the event that there are one or more objections to a final recommendation then the current rules on geographic names contained in the Applicant Guidebook should continue to apply until a broadly-based consensus solution has been found.


  1. The GAC will continue to exercise its advisory role to the ICANN Board under the Bylaws on issues relating to geographic names, and in doing so will take account of, but will not be bound by, the outcomes of the PDP.



Tom Dale

ACIG GAC Secretariat


ACIG – Australian Continuous Improvement Group

evaluate :: improve  : innovate


Cell:  +61 418 207 376


ACIG is an independent consulting firm engaged to provide secretariat services to ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee