Heather, All


During an RySG call yesterday there was considerable discussion about the merits of each of the proposed options relating to the geographic names.


I understand (and sincerely apologise) this request is late in the day; however, the RySG has requested that consideration be given to a potential third option that would serve to replace both Option A and Option B. As you will see, this third option contains the main elements of both Option A and B, and also addresses the comment from Paul McGrady that the response call out the community discussions in Johannesburg:


The GNSO Council also takes note of the “Geographic Names as Top-Level Domains“ section of the communiqué restating previous advice and positions. Among those positions are references that imply that certain geographic top-level domains should be addressed by, and only through, a ccNSO PDP. With respect to that position we note that rather than initiative a ccNSO PDP on country and territory names at the top-level, the ccNSO established a Cross Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names (CCWG UCTN) that was jointly chartered by the ccNSO and GNSO. The CCWG UCTN recently produced a final report, but was unable to provide recommendations on the use of country and territory names as TLDs, beyond the use of two-characters. The GNSO strongly believes that these issues are currently within the scope and charter of the GNSO Policy Development Process on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro PDP). As a result of the recent Cross Community Discussions on geographic names conducted at ICANN 59, the SubPro PDP is establishing a new Work Track 5 on Geographic Names at the Top Level and inviting representatives from each of the SOs and ACs to form a Leadership Team for that Work Track. The GNSO Council encourages participation from the community, including the GAC, in that SubPro PDP to ensure a multi-stakeholder bottom up solution to this issue.


This approach is consistent with the GAC’s position also contained in the “Geographic Names as Top-Level Domains” section of the communiqué “ … that any further process of policy review and development should: (a) continue to allow all stakeholder groups to participate equally; (b) take into account the history and rationale of the arrangements currently in place; and (c) apply an evidence-based policy approach to any proposals for future arrangements.”


As Rubens has already noted on the Council list, the respective authors of Options A and B both recognize potential shortcomings of their suggested text and to that end both Rubens and Jeff both support the proposed amendment.

Thank you for considering this late amendment, which serves to replace both Option A and Option B.




From: council-bounces@gnso.icann.org [mailto:council-bounces@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Heather Forrest
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 5:54 AM
To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org>
Cc: gnso-secs@icann.org
Subject: [council] DOODLE to finalise updated GNSO Review of the GAC Communique


Dear Council colleagues,


We have reached a point of near finalization of the GNSO Response to the GAC Johannesburg Communique. The one outstanding item amongst the members of the revision team is the text relating to geographic names. You'll see this text in the attached draft as Option A and Option B. 


For our input to reach the Board in time for its meeting with the GAC in the week of 14 August, we cannot push this out to the next Council meeting in late August. For our response to be timely and effective, we need a Communique Response that we can agree on in full before it goes to electronic vote.


We had scheduled an electronic Council vote to open this Thursday, but we don't yet have a final text to vote on. Hence I propose we delay the electronic vote to open next Monday to give us all time to consider and take instructions (if appropriate) on Option A and B. 


To help us get to final, votable text, please could you review the attached and complete the Doodle to express support for either Option A or B on geo names. 



· Monday, 24 July: Doodle (to select Option A or B on geo names text) opens

· Friday, 28 July: Doodle closes

· Monday, 31 July: Electronic vote on Council motion approving the GNSO Response to GAC Joburg Communique (including preferred Option A or B) opens

· Friday, 4 August: Electronic vote closes

· Monday, 7 August: GNSO Response to GAC Communique transmitted to Board


Many thanks to Marika and the Secretariat team for helping to coordinate both the Doodle and e-vote in such a tight timeframe. Also noting that James and Donna are both away today, so I'm on point to shepherd this through.


Best wishes to all,

