Unfortunately I do not believe this response answers the rather basic question we asked as to how much this initiative is anticipated to cost. I find it quite evasive, instructing us to review the adopted FY20 budget and to work it out for ourselves. If I do that, I can only conclude that project ID 175403 is what I should be turning to, and the projected spend there is $1.7 million. If this is not the correct project ID, I would like to ask that ICANN org answer a straightforward question with a straightforward answer, and provide us with a number.

Ayden Férdeline

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, 13 September 2019 01:28, Mary Wong <mary.wong@icann.org> wrote:

Dear Councilors,


Please find below a note from Theresa Swinehart, Senior Vice President for ICANN Org’s Multistakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives (MSSI) department, responding to the Council’s question as to the anticipated timing, funding and expected deliverables for the Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model of Governance project.





Dear GNSO Council members,


Thank you for the questions about the Evolution of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model project. The project derives from ICANN’s Strategic Plan; specifically the strategic objective on governance, which stems from community input during trend identification exercises. The project is on track to conclude shortly after ICANN66, with the publication of a work plan outlining issues affecting the effective and efficient functioning of ICANN’s MSM, which groups will address those issues, how and by when. The work plan will be published for public comment in conjunction with ICANN’s Five-Year Operating and Financial Plan, which itself will be open for public comment in late 2019.


public comment period recently opened to gather community feedback on the issues to be addressed in the work plan, including whether the issues are already addressed by other solutions that are either being developed or are being implemented; what solutions may be developed if no solution exists; which group (community, Board or org) should be tasked with developing a solution; and how the issue ought to be prioritized.


This project is funded from the FY20 adopted budget. The MSSI team is providing support, including help with hosting webinars, ICANN meeting sessions, posting documents and communications for public comment, etc.


We hope the GNSO community will participate, and we hope they will find the two webinars held on 11 and 12 September on the public comment proceedings helpful regarding any questions they may have.


Thank you.


Best regards,