thanks for this. we will try our best to get this information to Amsterdam, either before or at (it depends on our bandwidth which is, as you can imagine, already stretched)

From: Grant Forsyth []
Sent: 23 January 2005 21:35
To: 'GNSO Council'; 'Paul Verhoef'; 'Kurt Pritz'
Subject: Amsterdam Strategic Plan meeting

Dear Paul and Kurt
I spent the weekend re-reading the Strategic Plan and would like to offer you and your staff a thanks and congratulations on making it an accessible and readable document.
Having read through the Strategic plan again, it occured to me that it would be highly desirable to explicitly tie in the requirements of the MOU.
While through my reading I can see where particular planned initiatives relate to MOU requirements, there is not explicit linkage between the two - well not that I can detect.
I think it would be helpful to receive from the staff a document that simply lists next to each paragraph of the MOU those Strategic Plan initiatives/sections that relate to it and that will ensure that the demands of the MOU are met. Or alternately, against each Strategic Plan initiative, list those sections of the MOU that will be addressed by that specific Strategic Plan initiative.
Additionally it would be useful for the meeting to be provided with an up to date status - done, current, and future - (in bullet form would do for me) of meeting the needs of the MOU.
It would be good to receive this some days prior to the Amsterdam meeting.
I am hoping this request is not too onerous as I imagine that the work has already done and may exist in another report/document already.
Thank you for considering this suggestion.
Kind regards

Grant Forsyth
Manager Industry & Regulatory Affairs
Cnr Taharoto & Northcote Roads
Private Bag 92143
ph +64 9 912 5759
fx + 64 9 912 4077
Mb 029 912 5759