Please send representative names and email addresses to Glen so that she can populate the email lists that have been established and send meeting notices to SC members.

From: Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:46 PM
To: Council GNSO
Subject: Reminder to Councilors: Need to select SC reps
Importance: High

In motion 4b - GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan (copied below), passed unanimously by the Council on 16 October, note that we resolved the following: "The GNSO Council requests that constituencies, NomCom appointees, the ALAC and the GAC identify representatives to serve in the two Standing Committees as defined in the Plan by 24 October 2008 if possible, but not later than 31 October; Kickoff meetings of the Standing Committees be held during the ICANN meetings in Cairo (1-7 November 2008) with teleconference capability for any who may not be able to attend in-person."
This is a reminder to encourage constituencies and NomCom reps to identify one representative for each of the two steering committees [Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) and Operations Steering Committee (OSC)]. 
ALAC and GAC liaisons are also encouraged to work within your organizations to identify one representative for each of the two steering committees.
Note that representatives do NOT have to be Councilors.
The first meetings of the two SCs are presently scheduled for Sunday, 2 November in Cairo as follows:
Assuming there are no objections:
If a representative is not able to attend the kickoff meetings, I suggest that an alternative be identified who is able to attend.
If there are any questions, please ask.
Thanks, Chuck

Motion 4b.

Motion on GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan

Motion: Chuck Gomes

Second: Avri Doria


The ICANN Board in resolution 2008.02.15.03

directed the ICANN Staff to "draft a detailed implementation plan in consultation with the GNSO"

Such a plan was developed by the Planning Team composed of staff and GNSO members working jointly and in cooperation

The ICANN board in resolution 2008.06.26.13

endorsed the recommendations of the Board Governance Committee's GNSO Review Working Group

The ICANN board in its meeting on 1 October 2008

approved resolutions 6 through 15 relating to the recommendations of the Board Governance Committee GNSO Working Group and the specific topic of GNSO Council Restructuring,


The GNSO will develop a plan for GNSO Council restructuring implementation that is separate and distinct from the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan as directed in resolution 2008.10.01.15

The GNSO Council approves the Framework defined in the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan dated 24 September 2008 as prepared by the GNSO Improvements Planning Team as documented in

(as updated)

The GNSO Council requests that constituencies, NomCom appointees, the ALAC and the GAC identify representatives to serve in the two Standing Committees as defined in the Plan by 24 October 2008 if possible, but not later than 31 October

Kickoff meetings of the Standing Committees be held during the ICANN meetings in Cairo (1-7 November 2008) with teleconference capability for any who may not be able to attend in-person.

Passed unanimously by voice vote