
Thanks for this. As so often happens with oral statements, they can be a little difficult to interpret so I hope I am answering the correct question.

It is planned that ICANN will include amendments to the upcoming version Guidebook to address both the topics of trademark protection and the potential for malicious conduct. Before the Sydney meeting, it was pointed out that a third version of the Guidebook was not published at that time because discussions on these issues had not reached a point where proposals in the Guidebook could be made and it was thought that the next version of the Guidebook should tentatively address those issues.

In the case of Trademark protections, the changes would be based upon solutions proposed by the IRT and others, the public comment forum on the IRT report, the public sessions on trademark protections in Sydney, London and New York, and other discussions that continue to occur. The malicious conduct solutions are proposed out of the issues raised in reports by the APWG, RISG, FIRST, BITS and others. Those groups and others are being solicited to help develop possible solutions to mitigate the issues raised in the earlier reports.

There will also be conclusions about economic studies and root zone scaling but it is not known whether the conclusions drawn in those areas will affect the Guidebook text. Remember, of course, the draft Guidebooks are proposals for discussion and can be (and generally are) amended in some way.

I hope this is helpful and answers the question you posed.



On 7/29/09 6:27 AM, "Kristina Rosette" <> wrote:


(If you are not the correct staff person to whom this question should be addressed, would you please forward it to the person who is?  Many thanks.)

I just listened to the recording of the 23 July Council meeting.  Early in the meeting there was some reference to the next draft of the DAG.  In response to a question from Tony Harris, Avri said "I do not believe that [there] any steps dealing with overarching issues that are blocking factors for publication of the next DAG and that [solutions/proposals for them] will be included to the extent staff decides to include them."  (39:20).  

Would you please advise if this characterization is correct?  My understanding was somewhat different.

Many thanks.