Dear All,


As you may recall, the GNSO Council directed 'ICANN Policy Staff to draft proposed language for any necessary modifications or additions to the GNSO Operating Procedures and, if applicable, those parts of the ICANN Bylaws pertaining to the GNSO’ to implement the Bylaws DT recommendations ( In its analysis of the Drafting Team (DT), staff took a minimalist approach by focusing on the minimum changes needed to implement the DT recommendations, recognizing that in certain cases additional work may be desirable to facilitate the GNSO's participation in the Empowered Community, such as creating templates or fact sheets. These proposed changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws were published for public comment on 19 June and closed on 10 August (see The staff report of public comments (see attached) will be published on the site shortly. Comments were received from all GNSO Stakeholder Groups and the CSG constituencies.


In its analysis, Staff notes general support for the proposed changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws and their consistency with the intent of the Bylaws DT recommendations. Some specific comments were identified in relation to the GNSO Operating Procedures to which staff has either responded or put forward a proposed way for addressing the comment (see section IV analysis of comments). In addition, the commenters restated their positions with regards to the role of the GNSO Council along the lines of the positions recorded in the Bylaws DT Final Report.


It is now up to the GNSO Council to determine what the next steps should be. These could include, for example, adoption of the revised GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws with the minor updates as suggested in the analysis of comments, further consideration of the comments submitted, and/or consultation with the Bylaws DT. Staff would like to suggest adding this topic to the agenda for the next Council meeting so that you have an opportunity to consider these or other options that are put forward.


Best regards,




Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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