Rubens –

We’ll add this under AOB for our meeting on 24 AUG. 


Given that our agenda is closed and we are accumulating AOB items, you have my assurances that it will be included in our next (20 SEP) Council meeting.



Thank you,




James Bladel

GNSO Chair


From: <> on behalf of Rubens Kuhl <>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 14:43
To: GNSO Council List <>
Subject: [council] Fwd: Notification Regarding GNSO PDP Working Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Work Track 4 Request for Clarifying Questions and Answers



Hi all. I would like to add something at either agenda or AOB of the next GNSO Council meeting: an episode where ICANN staff deliberately guided applicants into not allowing a GNSO PDP WG to access information that was supposed to be public in the first place, by using a non-neutral language that described public information as "not foreseen to be published". 













Início da mensagem encaminhada:


De: ICANN Global Support <>

Assunto: Notification Regarding GNSO PDP Working Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Work Track 4 Request for Clarifying Questions and Answers

Data: 17 de agosto de 2017 16:22:14 BRT



17 August 2017


Dear Rubens Kuhl Junior ,


We are writing in regards to a request for information related to your application ******. Members of Work Track 4 (WT4) of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group have requested the Global Domains Division (GDD) of the ICANN Organization to provide the full text of Clarifying Questions (CQs) asked and answers provided for application questions 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30a (see here for more information on the PDP and the Working Group:

As you may be aware, Questions 24 through 30a are the public questions of the Technical and Operational Capability section of the New gTLD application as per the 2012 Applicant Guidebook. The initial responses to these questions were published before the evaluation period began.  However, neither the CQs nor applicant responses to the CQs were published.

As it was not foreseen that this information would be published and there may be sensitive data included in the CQ responses or attachments, we are writing to obtain your feedback before proceeding with fulfilling the request from WT4.

We would kindly request you to please respond via ICANN’s Customer Service Portal or email with any feedback that you may have regarding the sharing and publication of the CQs and responses for application questions 24-30a.

The ICANN organization is committed to supporting the efforts of WT4 and intends to publish the CQs and applicant responses for questions 24-30a pending multiple considerations, including feedback from applicants such as yourself. 


We thank you for your time and attention to this matter and for your continued participation in the New gTLD program.



Christine A. Willett

Vice President, gTLD Operations

Global Domains Division