Thank you, Mason!




From: <> on behalf of Mason Cole <>
Date: Monday, November 7, 2016 at 14:57
To: GNSO Council List <>
Subject: [council] Thank you


Councilors, staff and friends —


As we close this part of the public meeting, let me say thank you for the opportunity and privilege to serve as the GNSO’s liaison to the GAC.  It has been a pleasure to handle this duty on your behalf.


I’ve been involved with ICANN for 16 years now — something that surely will have you question my sanity.  However, I believe deeply in the multistakeholder model and I’ve been pleased to serve the community in various capacities.  I look forward to continuing to do so.  While I may not be at the council table with you for now, I’ll see you in Copenhagen and beyond.


Best of luck to Carlos as he assumes the liaison role.  The job is in good hands.


Thanks again —

