For the moment all I know is that the group is established and soon there will be a call for volunteers.

2009/12/9 Stéphane Van Gelder <>
Thanks Olga.

On the wildcard study group being formed by the ccNSO, is this being formed following the work done here ( and if so, what results is the SG aiming at, do you know?



Le 9 déc. 2009 à 04:01, Olga Cavalli a écrit :

ccNSO Update

Mozambique (.mz) is now  the 100th member of the ccNSO.

ccNSO membership statistics can be found at

ccNSO is in the process of appointing a co-chair for the Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN wg.

At its meeting in Seoul the ccNSO Council appointed Young Eum Lee and Ondrej Filip as co-chairs of a “wildcard” study group, which is in the process of proposing a statement of activities to be adopted by the Council. After adoption of that statement the co-chairs would seek members from the community and set up a liaison with SSAC.


Travel Drafting Team

Names of constituencies and stakeholder groups that will participate in the Kenia meeting and will be funded by ICANN must be informed to ICANN  Staff as soon as possible.


GNSO Improvements: OSC CSG Working Team

The toolkit recommendations are ready for Council approval in the next meeting.

Other parts of the draft documents are in new rounds of revision, they are:
  • Framework for participation in any ICANN Constituency that is objective, standardized, and clearly stated
  • Creating and maintaining a database of all constituency members and others not formally a part of any constituency
  • Recommendations for operating principles that are representative, open, transparent and democratic.
Meetings of the wt take place every two weeks.


Geo Regions WG

There will be a wide Survey to understanding the relevance and use of Regions in ICANN.

The group and Staff are working on the final version of this document.


Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.