Dear James:


I do not think it impacts the Charter, I just wanted to add some clarity to guide our Council discussions, and perhaps PDP WG deliberations.


Thank you,




Brian J. Winterfeldt
Head of Internet Practice
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

2900 K Street NW, North Tower - Suite 200 / Washington, DC 20007-5118
p / (202) 625-3562 f / (202) 339-8244

575 Madison Avenue / New York, NY 10022-2585
p / (212) 940.6762  f / (212) 894.5585 /


From: James M. Bladel
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 6:16:39 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: Winterfeldt, Brian J.
Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: FW: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014

Thanks, Brian.  One thing I love about my work is that I'm always learning something new.


My only question involves whether or not this, in your opinion, impacts the charter?  Did we goof on this?

Thank you--




James Bladel




On Jun 25, 2014, at 10:58, "Winterfeldt, Brian J." <> wrote:

Dear all:


I wanted to clarify that the mechanisms we are discussing in connection with the motion and PDP WG, namely the UDRP, the URS, and any newly developed mechanism for IGOs, are all administrative alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, rather than arbitration mechanisms.  There is an important legal distinction between the two that we should recognize and adopt in our discussions.


The UDRP and URS are contractual administrative mechanisms for resolving disputes outside of national courts.  Conversely, arbitration awards are inter alia enforceable in national courts.  See Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York (June 10, 1958).


I do not believe this subtle point necessitates any changes to the draft Charter.  I just wanted to add some clarity to guide our Council discussions, and perhaps PDP WG deliberations.


Thank you,




Brian J. Winterfeldt
Head of Internet Practice
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

2900 K Street NW, North Tower - Suite 200 / Washington, DC 20007-5118
p / (202) 625-3562 f / (202) 339-8244

575 Madison Avenue / New York, NY 10022-2585
p / (212) 940.6762  f / (212) 894.5585 /

-----Original Message-----
From: Winterfeldt, Brian J.
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 6:47 PM
To: Marano, Phillip V.
Subject: FW: [council] Fwd: FW: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014






From: owner-council@gnso.icann.orgOn Behalf OfAvri Doria

Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 1:44:44 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Subject: [council] Fwd: FW: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014


A revised revision of the charter that corrects one mistake.





-------- Original Message --------

Subject:        FW: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014

Date:   Tue, 24 Jun 2014 08:58:43 -0700

From:   Mary Wong <>

To:     Avri Doria <>, Maria Farrell <>




Hello ladies – are you planning to send this to the Council for discussion this evening? Thanks!




From: Lori Schulman < <>>

Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 2:31 PM

To: Mary Wong < <>>

Subject: FW: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014


    FYI – just sent






    *Lori S. Schulman*· General Counsel

    1703 North Beauregard Street


    Alexandria, VA  22311-1714


    P 703-575-5678 · <>

    Description: cid:image001.png@01CC81E2.512C46F0






    *From:*Lori Schulman

    *Sent:* Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:21 AM

    *To:* 'Kathy Kleiman'; 'Avri Doria ( <>)'

    *Cc:* 'Rudi Vansnick (

    <>)'; 'Rafik Dammak

    ( <>)'

    *Subject:* RE: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014

    *Importance:* High




    Dear All,




    Attached is the amendment with the name of the UN list corrected.  I

    didn’t catch that last night.   I went to the UN link that Avri

    provided and literally copied the title.  There is a redline with

    the corrected version and then a “clean” redline.  This should go to

    the GNSO Council.  This was clearly a drafting error.








    *Lori S. Schulman*· General Counsel

    1703 North Beauregard Street


    Alexandria, VA  22311-1714


    P 703-575-5678 · <>

    Description: cid:image001.png@01CC81E2.512C46F0






    *From:*Lori Schulman

    *Sent:* Monday, June 23, 2014 4:41 PM

    *To:* 'Kathy Kleiman'; Avri Doria ( <>)

    *Cc:* Rudi Vansnick (

    <>); Rafik Dammak

    ( <>)

    *Subject:* RE: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014 (3) with LS Edit




    I like these changes.  Thanks for expanding.  I especially like the

    “research who already owns marks.”  Good Luck at the GNSO.






    *Lori S. Schulman*· General Counsel

    1703 North Beauregard Street


    Alexandria, VA  22311-1714


    P 703-575-5678 · <>

    Description: cid:image001.png@01CC81E2.512C46F0






    *From:*Kathy Kleiman []


    *Sent:* Monday, June 23, 2014 3:45 PM

    *To:* Lori Schulman; Avri Doria ( <>)

    *Cc:* Rudi Vansnick (

    <>); Rafik Dammak

    ( <>)

    *Subject:* Re: Draft CRP WG Charter - 25 May 2014 (3) with LS Edit




    Hi All,

    Tx so much to Lori for starting everything. I really appreciate it!

    All, here is an edited version based on considerations of scope and

    limits that we discussed in framing both the UDRP and URS. What do

    you think?




    p.s. Lori, again, tx you!  What do you think of the edits?

    Hopefully, I extended and continued your thoughts...




        Dear Avri and Kathy,




        Here is my attempt at a short, hopefully not too debatable,

        amendment to the charter.  My edits and comments are in redline

        form.  I tried to keep it very simple given the issue of time.

        I put 2 new bullet points before the final bullet point under

        “The WG should also include the following additional topics in

        its deliberations:”




        I specifically referenced the Nice Classification system as a

        method of mission differentiation as an optional clause.  My

        thoughts are to leave it out but I wanted to surface the option

        to the group instead of just dismissing it out of hand.  Nice

        has a lot of problems but it is the document that drives

        international classification and may be worth referencing.  I

        will leave that up to you.


        / /


        I believe that this working group should move forward and

        incorporate the principles that we discussed yesterday.  Perhaps

        these few lines will do the trick?




       Please let me know if I can help further.






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