Jonathan has kindly proposed the two motions we will discuss later today. I herewith second the motions. 

As you will recall, I have chaired the IGO/INGO PDP WG and would very much like to encourage Councillors to submit questions there might be relating to the motions to the Council list. This will enable me and staff to have all information you might be asking ready prior or in the call. 

Please note that the motions are a follow-up to the recommendation we unanimously approved previously and in which we recommended this very PDP should be conducted.

Thanks and kind regards,

Am 27.05.2014 um 00:54 schrieb Jonathan Robinson <>:



Please see attached for two proposed motions for the next council meeting.


Ordinarily, I expect that these would have come to you from Thomas Rickert as chair of the PDP WG that developed the recommendation for the Issue Report.


However, since Thomas is currently on vacation, I have decided to propose the motions.





<Motion to Initiate Curative Rights PDP - 23 May 2014.docx><Motion for IGO INGO Curative Rights Charter Adoption - 25 May 2014.doc>