As someone who missed the call – THANK YOU!


From: Mike O'Connor <>
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 10:33
To: GNSO Council List <>
Subject: [council] Notes from today's GNSO Council call

hi all,

as many of you know, i’m an obsessive note-taker in meetings.  i thought i would share my notes from the call this morning with this list and ask you to let me know if you would like me to continue sending them to this list as well.  these are mostly for me, and my ISPCP colleagues (so pay no attention to the action-items, those are mostly for me).  feel free to sing out if you find these annoying or unhelpful.  these are NOT official minutes, just personal notes of one member.

disclaimer — these are my notes and may contain errors of fact or understanding.  if something in here makes you unhappy, check with me or the person before taking extreme action.  :-)

also note that item 6 and item 4 were reversed on the agenda, which is why these notes are not in strictest numeric sequence.


Council call - 27-Feb 2014

  • + - Item 1: Administrative matters (10 mins)

    • 1.1 Roll Call
    • + - 1.2 Statement of interest updates
    • 1.3 Review/amend agenda
    • + - 1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
      • Minutes of the GNSO Council meetings 23 January 2014 were posted as approved on 17 February 2014.

    + - Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)

    • Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics
    • Include review of Projects List and Action List.
    • + - Comments or questions arising.
      • Action: note a diary entry to review the list prior to each meeting - and forward to the ISPCP list

    Item 3: Consent agenda (0 mins)

    + - Item 4: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – GNSO Engagement with the work of the ICANN Strategy Panels (15 mins)

    • + - Here the Council will receive an update on any relevant interaction with and output from the strategy panels and discuss any appropriate action going forward.

      • +- Update:
        • +- Strat Panels are out for comment

          Fadi's recent update to AC/SO chairs -- on role panels and their role in the strategy process -- concern about top-down was discussed

          +- MSI panel --

          • +- 16 proposals (here's a link to my little matrix of the proposals -- arrayed by Goal <--> Tool and Participation <--> Policy)

            +- Jonathan has reached out -- got off to a bit of a slow start -- but meetings 2 weeks ago and yesterday

            • +- flag waving - we're the Council and the GNSO - your work feels as though it overlaps our remit - so we are very tuned to you work

              • Novak offered to do some kind of interview -- Jonathan was uncomfortable

              +- Yesterday's meeting

              • working toward a meeting with 1/2 members of the staff (govLab) people in singapore

                opportunity to home in on a subset of the recommendations that are more closely related to the policy work of the GNSO

            +- 2 issues

            • +- "top down" concern
              • Jonathan: best aimed at Fadi not the MSI panel
      • +- Discussion
        • +- Berard
          • +- "this is something we need to talk about" reenforces the "executivification" of ICANN -- it's really hard for a part time person to stay above the raging water -- the community is becoming more professional -- this is driving some of our community members mad -- the more we can do to foster discussion at the broadest level in the community, the better

            • Jonathan shares concern over the raging water
            • Jonathan emphasises distinction between MSI content and MSI chartering
        • +- Amr
          • +- commisioning is very top down -- there is a lot of work going on -- that's where the changes would have to be reviewed

            • doesn't feel quite as concerned as others are

              +- Jonathan - we have the opportunity to engage -- maybe a written response to the panel from the council

              • reaction to their work AND
              • work that the GNSO is doing
        • +- Stoll
          • +- we need to inform them to alert them to overlaps AND we need to inform administration of concerns directly

            • comments seem to go into a black hole
            • be careful in the engagement
        • +- Chiao
          • volunteers -- substantial proportion of cycles going to IG issue

            registries -- implementation requirements, additional load of IG work -- overloaded is not just limited to volunteers in non-contracted parties.  Ry's and Rr's are struggling to keep up with implementation requirements in addition to policy-making and IG discussion.  Very hard, especially for smaller registries.

            +- ICANN is now representing all of our voices -- will people outside of ICANN have a chance to talk with the community directly?  Is ICANN trying to represent us, rather than letting that conversation take place directly?

            • maybe it's time for constituencies to step out
        • +- Greimann
          • topics are very worthwhile -- also helpful to have an outside voice -- however i think this effort should have come in the ICANN way -- thus they have a bit of a birth defect because of the way they were launched -- we shouldn't be deferential, give advice, should be seen as comparable to the GAC

        • +- Greenberg
          • MSI - remember they were put in place to comment on the *whole* MS model, not just GNSO -- their remit is broader - they were asked to suggest changes - informed process --  they DID suggest changes and we need to embrace/refine their suggestions without appearing defensive

      • +- Followup
        • Jonathan will follow up with Theresa about how we can best interact with these panels

    + - Item 5: UPDATE – PDP Working Group on Translation & Transliteration of Contact Information (10 mins)

    • The GNSO Council recently initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information. As part of its efforts to obtain broad input from the ICANN Community at an early stage of its deliberations, the Working Group has requested input from the Supporting Organizations (including the GNSO) and Advisory Committees on several questions relating to the issues identified in the PDP Final Issue Report.

      + - 5.1 – Update (Ching Chiao)

      + - 5.2 – Discussion

      • +- Chiao - thanks Chris, encourages comments from constituencies
        • Action: remind ISPCP of need for input

      5.3 – Next steps

    + - Item 6: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – International Internet Governance Issues  (20 mins)

    • Discussions and activity relating to international Internet Governance issues are attracting a great deal of attention in ICANN and related groups. This item is on the agenda to provide an opportunity for discussion within the Council about how this impacts the role and work of the Council and mindful of the scope and remit of the Council, what action the Council should or could be taking.

      + - 4.1 – Status update (Sally Costerton)

      • Jonathan: what should be focusing on at Council
      • +- Sally:
        • +- several streams around IG
          • +- Background
            • +- Buenos Aires - became clear that profile of IG was increasing - triggered by Snowden issue

              • the rest of the world had "woken up"
              • resurfaced WCIT issues

              very full IG calendar in 2014

              Fadi's view - sense that there is frustration over how hard IG issues are to resolve

              ITU - march toward their meeting late in the year -- debate around whether they're going to change their remit

              if we don't participate others will do it for us

          • +- 1Net
            • discussion forum where debate is taking place in great detail

              now has a steering committee

              +- web forum is up and running -- discussion is migrating that direction -- much easier to follow than the overwhelming traffic on the email list

          • +- CCWG
          • +- Hi Level Panel (5th panel)
            • +- 3 f2f meetings
              • December
              • now
              • May
            • there is to be a submission to the Brazil meeting
          • +- NetMundial
            • goal: HOW to decide, not decide
            • submissions of principle and framework
            • late April, just after Easter
            • hosted by Brazilian govt
            • 4 cochairs
            • Hi level committee -- just met this week -- goal: good attention/attendance by governments
            • deadline for registration is tomorrow (28-Feb)
            • +- registration web page
            • +- overall web page
          • +- Singapore
            • NCSG event -- starts at 10am, Friday before meeting, 10:00 - 18:00, followed by reception w/Fadi
            • Several events during the ICANN meetings

      + - 4.2 – Discussion

      • +- Berard;
        • +- ccNSO: categories of participation in NetMudial meetingdon't make room for ccTLD managers -- is this a metaphor for the way that IG discussions aren't leaving room for individual members of ICANN

          • +- tactical - ccNSO members?
            • open registration meeting - everybody is welcome - first come first served attendance
            • strongly encourage participation

          +- Snowden revelations provide excellent cover for political intent -- what is Fadi's public position on this?

          • Maria Farrell: John - the Montevideo statement sets out pretty clearly the concern re. pervasive monitoring and Internet stewardship. Fadi signed it for ICANN so I think it's fair to say he sees a link. Even if some use the Snowden revelations tactically, the fact remains that many have lost faith in the impartiality of the USG.

            +- Costerton: get asked questions about globalization of ICANN and Snowden - we don't have a particular view - realization within the US govt that structures may need to change

            • need to reenforce other voices at the table

          +- Richard Clark transcript -- the two issues are as far apart as one could find

      • +- Farrell
      • +- Cake:
      • +- Chiao
        • congratulates Costerton on ASIAPAC engagement -- AsiaPAC members would like to be more engaged with the actual meetings, not just talking to people in the region, bring people to the meeting table and actually contribute

      4.3 – Next steps

    + - Item 7: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – GAC Engagement – the work of the Joint GAC / GNSO Consultation Group (15 mins)

    + - Item 8: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Forthcoming review of the GNSO (10 mins)

    • As part of a periodic review process that is built into the ICANN model, ICANN board initiated reviews of the GNSO (and the GNSO Council and related functions) are expected.  In order to be informed and effectively prepared for this work, we have begun to engage with the body that commissions such reviews (the structural improvements committee) through its chair, Ray Plazk.

      The Council will track the planning work of the SIC and, where appropriate; provide relevant input to the process.  We will also prepare to undertake a form of self-review in a similar format to that which we expect to arise out of the work of the SIC.  A self-review will ensure that we are not only prepared for the board initiated work but also able to flag areas for potential improvement in as timely as possible a manner.

      + - 8.1 – Update (Jennifer Wolfe)

      • there is no update since the last meeting -- still waiting for an update from Ray

        Jonathan: will there be a document prior to Singapore?  Marika: nothing expected to be published before Singapore

      8.2 – Discussion

      8.3 – Next steps

    + - Item 9: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Planning for Singapore (15 mins)

    • Making the most out of the face-to-face meeting time available at the ICANN Meeting in Buenos Aires will take planning.  GNSO Council Vice Chair, David Cake will lead this and will be working with the Council and staff on this effort.

      Here the Council has the opportunity to feed into plans and provide input based on past experience.  Included in this item will be the opportunity to shape the approach to and substance of the Council’s proposed meetings with other groups in such as the CCNSO, the GAC and the ICANN board.

      + - 9.1 – Update (David Cake & Jonathan Robinson)

      • Cake: very much Draft,

      9.2 – Discussion

      + - 9.3 – Next steps

      • Action:  forward the draft schedule to the ISPCP list if it hasn't been already  --  DONE

    + - Item 10:  Any Other Business (10 mins)

    • + - Community budget requests
      • +- requests from the Council:  
        • Council development session,
        • face-to-face PDP meetings (potential for facilitation),
        • GAC GNSO reverse liaison (placeholder)
    • + - ICANN Board Seat 14 – NCPH - additional Council meeting Thursday, 10 April 2014 at 14:00 UTC
      • this is a placeholder for that meeting -- Glen to follow up to the list -- rationale for meeting
    • + - Note the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) presence in Singapore
      • Action: schedule them with ISPCP on Tuesday?
      • Action: note public session to ISPCP list
    • + - Meeting Strategy WG has draft out for comment
    • + - Amr: EWG process -- is Issue report the same as the EWG final report?
      • Marika: important to separate the two.  final report due London, may be another round of public comment.  

        There is already an initial report underway -- EWG will feed into that Issue Report, which will proceed to PDP because it's Board initiated 

PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB:, HANDLE: OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)