[Transmitted on behalf of Rob Hoggarth and Berry Cobb]


Re:  Launching The New-Improved GNSO Web Site


Dear GNSO Council Members, Stakeholder Group Leaders and Constituency Leaders,


We are pleased to announce that the new-improved GNSO website is just about complete with a scheduled “go-live” date of 24 May 2012.  Given the large quantity of new content and new design elements in the new site, we wanted to provide you with an opportunity to use, review and just generally experiment with the site prior to its public launch.


We are hopeful you will find the new look, site architecture and content, to be a vast improvement from the current site, but this is just first phase.  We are planning to add additional functionality, better graphics and further improvements over time – including now being able to move forward with efforts to provide web presence functionality for all GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies.


As with any new tool, there may be some growing pains, so we are VERY interested in getting your early and initial feedback. In particular we are interested to hear what you like and what you don’t like about the new design and navigation.  We‘re also very concerned that the information provided in the site is accurate and complete.  You’ll note some new “About” sections that address the structure and operations of each of your respective organizations or communities.  Please alert us if anything needs to be changed in those areas of the site – even if you just want to supply us with a new or updated photo. 


As an alternative to a lightly attended webinar, we’ve prepared a short set of slides (attached) with a quick overview of the new site.  The presentation highlights some of the new features of the site and provides a quick explanation of the new structure and how content is organized.  It also contains information about the form and timing of any potential feedback you might have for us.  We are still open to holding a community webinar or individual community calls if you think that you or members of the community would benefit from such events.


We’d appreciate that you share ANY feedback about the site with us at newgnsosite@icann.org by May 20.  That central email address will allow us to capture all your comments and the date will give us time to process any final fixes or modifications prior to the public launch on May 24.  We are currently targeting the precise switch-over to take place late in the day of May 23 UTC time (23:59) – hence the “date” of 24 May.


Best regards,


Rob Hoggarth & Berry Cobb



Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat

