Hey all, 

Just wanted to share the NetMundial Declaration from 2014: https://netmundial.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/NETmundial-Multistakeholder-Document.pdf

From the document, i'd like to highlight the following parts: 

4. There should be adequate communication and coordination among existing forums, task forces and organizations of the Internet governance ecosystem. Periodic reports, formal liaisons and timely feedback are examples of mechanisms that could be implemented to that end. It would be recommendable to analyze the option of creating Internet governance coordination tools to perform on-going monitoring, analysis, and information-sharing functions.

5. In the follow up to the recent and welcomed announcement of US Government with regard to its intent to transition the stewardship of IANA functions, the discussion about mechanisms for guaranteeing the transparency and accountability of those functions after the US Government role ends, has to take place through an open process with the participation of all stakeholders extending beyond the ICANN community. The IANA functions are currently performed under policies developed in processes hosted by several organizations and forums. Any adopted mechanism should protect the bottom up, open and participatory nature of those policy development processes and ensure the stability and resilience of the Internet. It is desirable to discuss the adequate relation between the policy and operational aspects. This transition should be conducted thoughtfully with a focus on maintaining the security and stability of the Internet, empowering the principle of equal participation among all stakeholder groups and striving towards a completed transition by September 2015.

6. It is expected that the process of globalization of ICANN speeds up leading to a truly international and global organization serving the public interest with clearly implementable and verifiable accountability and transparency mechanisms that satisfy requirements from both internal stakeholders and the global community. The active representation from all stakeholders in the ICANN structure from all regions is a key issue in the process of a successful globalization.

Kind regards, 
Bruna Martins dos Santos 

Global Campaigns Manager | Digital Action

German Chancellor Fellow 21' (Bundeskanzler-Stipendiatin) | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Member | Coalizão Direitos na Rede 
Co-Coordinator | Internet Governance Caucus 

Twitter: @boomartins // Skype: bruna.martinsantos