
Here are some initial questions/requests about the report.  I will forward additional questions soon.

Page 1:  The report states that staff "consulted other appropriate and relevant sources of information".  In the interest of transparency, I would appreciate having those sources be identified.   As a general note, it may be helpful to all readers of the report if the issues reports included a bibliography or sources consulted section.

Pages 6, 14:  One interpretation of the reference to "domains in ccTLDs are targeted as well" is that there is no "lasting value" to developing gTLD policy regarding any issue that occurs in both gTLDs and ccTLDs.  Is this interpretation intended?

Pages 6, 14:  Similarly, one interpretation of the reference to "static rules through a policy development process might be quickly undermined by intrepid cybercriminals" is that there can be "no lasting value" to developing gTLD policy regarding any issue that results from or is associated with cybercriminals because they move more quickly than the PDP and, as interpreted by one IPC member, "are smarter than we are".  Is this interpretation intended?

Page 8:  For how long and on what scale has proxy redirection been used to maintain high availability and spread the network load?

Page 9:  Did more than one person describe evasion of "black holing" "anecdotally as a possible 'legitimate use'" of fast flux?  Any evidence or research to suggest that it actually happens? 

Page 10:  How likely is that fast flux hosting "could be significantly curtailed by changes in the way in which DNS registries and registrars currently operate"?

Page 11:  Is it technically possible now for registries and registrars to act in two ways set forth in report?  Practically possible?  If so, do they?  If not, have reasons for not doing so been provided and, if so, what are they?

(I have not included a scope clarification question because I understand that it has already bee posed.)

Many thanks.
