

I agree with this appraoch and offer some further thoughts.


But firs, to support the Councilor's and constiuencies work in this area, can you request the staff to post the relevant materials to support this to the Council list, with all relevant links, any Board minutes that are relevant, etc. The initial report of the Council. 

Perhaps Glen could provide that support?

also, I note that this topic has been on our list of owrk items for Council but that I'm not clear on what is happening that takes any staff work from Maria or Olaf on it. Is there work underway in any way that involves staff work, and if so, what is it? If there is something underway now, we should be providing Council oversight and guidance.

I woudl be very concerned to see any staff developed materilas that are not fully reviewed with teh Coouncil in draft form for input.

Also,on substance: we are missing a critical section in my mind. An annual report should include as well a forecast of the 1 year, 3 year forecast of key issues; and challenges for the SO, and the larger organization within with the SO works/functions.

We shoudl include also the strategy for the SO in advancing its standing in the full ICANN stakeholder community. Here,  the Council also needs to address how it is and will manage the Supporting Organization. That is an overall respoinsibility of the Council, in conjunctin with its constituecies.

In this category,we could  include an analysis of the relationships with other SOs and ALAC, and what is being done to develop them.

Work on an annual report might be done by a subcommittee of the board, with volunteers from the constiutencies for approval then by the Council.... Just an idea to consider.

>From: "Bruce Tonkin" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [council] Annual report of the GNSO
>Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 15:57:43 +1000
>Hello All,
>In December 2004, an independent review was published on the GNSO
>This review contained several recommendations for improvements.
>One of the tasks in Luxembourg is to review these recommendations and
>check our progress against these recommendations.
>To improve our reporting to the wider community, I recommend that the
>GNSO produce an annual report in time for the ICANN Annual meeting (in
>Vancouver in Dec this year).
>This annual report should contain:
>- information on activities and achievements for the past year with
>respect to policy
>- information on process improvements undertaken since the review
>- reports from each of the constituencies of the GNSO
>The GNSO Council will be reviewed every 3 years, and a series of annual
>reports will assist in the review process.
>I would also like to see ICANN as a whole organisation produce an annual
>report, which would report on the performance of ICANN against its
>operating plan and strategic plan.
>Bruce Tonkin