Dear Bruce,


can you add to the Council agenda a discussion/vote on an issues report on single letter names? I understand that the prioritization of when to launch a PDP is treated as a separate topic, as we are prioritizing Council’s policy work. However, I would like to have the topic on the agenda for discussion.


Also, could you add in under Other Business a short report on the status on meeting coordination for Vancouver to the extent that we have advanced that with the Programme Committee.


Thanks, Marilyn Cade


From: [] On Behalf Of Bruce Tonkin
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:28 AM
To: Maria Farrell
Subject: RE: [council] GNSO current work items - September


Thanks Maria.


Please also add the issues report request from Jan 05 on secondary market/deleted names.


It could be listed as on hold until resources available.   Or noted as "to be prioritised".






From: [] On Behalf Of Maria Farrell
Sent: Thursday, 15 September 2005 10:52 PM
Subject: [council] GNSO current work items - September

Dear all,


Ahead of next week's GNSO Council call, please find attached the most recent version of the table on current GNSO work items.


All the best, Maria