From: Cyrus Namazi <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 1:29 PM
To: Drazek, Keith <>
Cc: Marika Konings <>; David Olive <>; Trang Nguyen <>; Steve Chan <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] ICANN org's preparation toward implementation of a new round of gTLDs


Dear Keith;

As you likely recall, in December 2015 the GNSO initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) to determine if changes to existing policy recommendations are needed before the next round of gTLDs. We understand that the PDP Working Group expects to publish its final report with its recommendations by December 2019. These recommendations may lead to procedural changes for subsequent rounds of gTLD applications, which ICANN org must implement and manage.

In the course of our preparatory work toward the planning and implementation of the new policy, ICANN org has compiled a number of fundamental operationally focused assumptions to help with the preliminary planning and operational readiness of the organization. I have shared these assumptions with the ICANN Board, and am now sharing them with all ICANN constituencies in the briefing document attached. We plan to meet face-to-face with the Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group in Marrakech to further discuss these assumptions.

If the GNSO Council members are also interested in further engagement and providing feedback and perspective on these assumptions please let me know and we will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time for a discussion.

For your information, this information will also be included in the ICANN Community Digest which is planned to be issued later this week.




Cyrus Namazi

Senior Vice President | Global Domains Division

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

801 17th St NW, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20006 USA


Office +1 202 249 7543 | Mobile +1 408 421 6894

Skype : cnamazi