Dear Volker, David,

Apologies for the very slow addition to this thread as I return to reality after a technology-free week last week.

Humble thanks for manning the ship most unexpectedly but with good humour and grace, and for your service to this point. May you enjoy your release from Vice Chair duties!

Best wishes,


From: <> on behalf of Valerie Tan <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 17:54
To: Amr Elsadr
Cc: Volker Greimann; Council; David Cake
Subject: Re: [council] It has been a pleasure
A big thank you to Volker and David for graciously holding the forte during this time so that the Council could continue business as usual. Wishing you both every success!

Best Regards,


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 1:59 AM, Amr Elsadr <> wrote:

Hi Volker and David,

Thank you very much for this message, and even more gratitude for your work over the past couple of years VCing the Council. You both did a great job, and made it look really easy too.

Another round of appreciation to Heather and Donna for their willingness to take on this job. I wish you both the best of luck.

Thanks again, to all.


> On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:38 PM, Volker Greimann <> wrote:
> Dear fellow councilors,
> all things come to an end! With the end of last weeks council session our term as wardens of the vacant throne/co-chairs ended as well. We would like to welcome Donna Austin and Heather Forrest as new Vice Chairs as in accordance with their respective selections by their houses they have been selected to take over this role at this point.
> It has been an absolute pleasure and joy to co-lead the council for the past month and we wish both the next chair and the new vice chairs the best success. It is a tough job, but also very rewarding, and the stellar assistance from staff makes it even better.
> As for us, we will return to our regular position as councilors and are looking forward to continue working (and arguing, if necessary) with all of you.
> Thank you,
> David Cake and Volker Greimann