Thanks David,

I can only reiterate my dismay at this change.

As I've said before, I do not think that moving the Council's Open meeting out of the main room should even be an option.

I think it sends the wrong signal to the dedicated volunteers on the Council and in the GNSO groups that put in so much of their time and effort into the GNSO's processes.

I also think it sends the wrong signal to the community in general about the importance of the GNSO's work.


Le 11 mars 2011 à 13:25, David Olive a écrit :

Dear Stephane and GNSO Council Members:

As you know,  we have had to move the GNSO Council meeting from the Ballroom to another room because of recent schedule changes. The most appropriate space for the Council meeting is to move it back to the Tower Salon A where the weekend working sessions will be held. We have worked hard with the ICANN meeting staff to arrange the room in a way that we hope will be acceptable.

The Tower Salon A room set-up will be:

- a head table, long L shape (closed on both ends) for the Council and 3/4 staff, (27)
- the audience will be seated in front of the head table, seating for 100+ as if they were in an auditorium, but flat, no raised 'stage'.
- plasma screens in front of the Council members,
- live scribing and two big screens
- lunch at 13:00 for the Council only
- coffee/tea break in the room for the Council only

The meeting will start at 13:30 and go on to 17:30 local time.
In addition, please note that continuing discussions between the Board and the Governmental Advisory Committee have also resulted in schedule changes for ICANN's upcoming meeting Silicon Valley – San Francisco Public Meeting.  The Silicon Valley meeting schedule will be updated shortly.   More information is at  
 We apologize for these last minute changes, which we know may cause some inconvenience.
Best regards,         David

David A. Olive
Vice President, Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 - Washington, D.C.    20005
Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611