Dear Glen

Pls advise if formalities met..

my vote below - YES



-----Original Message-----
From: Glen de Saint Géry []
Sent: Thu 3/11/2010 8:46 AM
To: Rosemary Sinclair
Subject: URGENT: Absentee Ballot on Board Seat #13 Election Resolution

Dear Rosemary,

In keeping with the proxy vote procedures, all councilors who were absent from the Council meeting today, Wednesday 10 March 2010 are allowed an absentee ballot.

Councilors noted as absent: Adrian Kinderis, Terry Davis, Rosemary Sinclair.

Below, please find a ballot with an option to vote, YES, NO or ABSTAIN.
The current bylaws require a reason for abstaining on a policy recommendation, so please indicate your reason for abstaining.

There is one motion. Please return the ballot, that is, indicate your preference with an X and send the lines preceded with *asterisks directly to the GNSO Council mailing list <>

* On the Board Seat #13 Election Resolution I vote:
* [ x] Yes
* [ ] No
* [ ] Abstain
* Password: white-0

This process should be completed within 72 hours of the meeting which ended at 12:30 Nairobi time, 09:30 UTC, Wednesday, 10 March, 2010.

Completed ballots are due NLT  09:30 UTC Saturday, 13 March 2010.
(01:30 PDT, 20:30 Melbourne/Sydney

Board Seat #13 Election Resolution
Motion made by Chuck Gomes and seconded by Stephane van Gelder

Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws specify that the GNSO has the right to select two individuals to serve on the ICANN Board, commonly referred to as Board Seats 13 and 14;

Whereas, under the Bylaws, the Contracted Parties House of the GNSO Council selects the individual to fill Board Seat 13, and the Non-Contracted Parties House selects the individual to fill Board Seat 14;

Whereas, on 28 January 2010, the GNSO Council approved the process proposed by the Contracted Party House to select a representative to fill Board Seat 13 for the 2010 election, and amended its Operating Procedures to include that process (see -;

Whereas the Contracted Parties House of the GNSO Council has utilized that process to select Bruce Tonkin to serve as the Board member for Seat 13;

RESOLVED, The GNSO Council acknowledges the selection of Bruce Tonkin by the Contracted Parties House to fill ICANN Board Seat 13 and directs the GNSO Secretariat to make the necessary notifications to the Board and the community.

Thank you.
Kind regards,


Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat