Thursday , 31 October 2019


ICANN Community Leadership Digest


The ICANN org Policy Development Support team publishes this twice-weekly digest

to help ICANN community leaders track requests and updates.


Due to ICANN66, the ICANN Community Leadership Digest will resume Monday, 11 November 2019.


Table of Contents



ICANN66 Planning

·     REMINDER: Prepare for ICANN66

Information Sharing

·     NEW: ICANN67 Travel Support Deadline

·     REMINDER: ICANN Preparations for IGF 2019: Information for the Community and Requests for Input

·     REMINDER: 2020 Leadership Program

·     REMINDER: NextGen@ICANN Community Consultation

Public Comment

·     CLOSING TODAY: Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) Accepted Recommendations – Plan for Implementation and Next Steps

·     Registration Directory Service (WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report

·     Proposed IANA SLAs for ccTLD Creation and Transfer

·     Draft PTI and IANA FY20 Operating Plan and Budgets

·     Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names




ICANN66 Planning


REMINDER: Prepare for ICANN66

Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support


FOR: All Community Leaders



Two reports are now available to help you prepare for ICANN66.

·     The Pre-ICANN66 Policy Report written by the Policy Development Support team provides a high-level overview of the planned work and activities of the Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, and Empowered Community at ICANN66. Read more. []

·     The GNSO Policy Briefing is written by the GNSO support team specifically in preparation for ICANN Public Meetings to provide the community with concise background information on all relevant GNSO policy efforts. Read more. []


You may also want to refer to the materials from ICANN66 Prep Week, which featured seven webinars. Read more. []


Remember to review the schedule [] and plan your participation in ICANN66!


Information Sharing


NEW: ICANN67 Travel Support Deadline

Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support


FOR: All Community Leaders



Community travel support requests for ICANN67 are due to the relevant community group support team by Thursday, 7 November 2019.


The deadline for submissions is critical to allow for Office of Foreign Assets Control review, travel arrangements, and confirmed reservations as required for visa applications.

Benefits of having community travel support requests 120 days before the next ICANN Public Meeting include:

·     Allow ICANN org to gather the documentation required (hotel and flight confirmations) for supported travelers to apply for their visa.

·     Allow enough time for supported travelers to complete and submit their visa application, which often vary per ICANN Public Meeting location.

·     Allow enough time for supported travelers to apply for a transit visa (if required), which often vary per ICANN Public Meeting location.

·     Allow ICANN org to purchase less expensive airfares.

·     Allow supported travelers to plan their pre-and-post ICANN Public Meeting travel in advance.

·     Allow ICANN org to set-up supported travelers in advance as vendors with Finance allowing us to wire their per diem/stipend funds in a timelier manner.


REMINDER: ICANN Preparations for IGF 2019: Information for the Community and Requests for Input


FOR: All Community Leaders



The 14th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019. ICANN org will have a booth, hold sessions, and co-host a reception with other Internet technical organizations. 


A few things we would like to share with you:

·     ICANN booth – The booth will be a resource for the ICANN community. Please contact us (see below) if you or any of your members would like to volunteer at the booth, or use the booth as a place for small meet-ups, etc. Once we have a better idea, we will create a schedule reflecting this.

·     Technical community reception – Monday, 25 November 2019, 18:30-20:00 (IGF venue). Space will be limited, and the reception will be by invitation only. Please send us (see below) the names of any community members attending the IGF and they will receive an invitation. Deadline: Tuesday, 12 November 2019.

·     Community sessions – Please send us (see below) details of any session at the IGF your community group and members are planning, and we will share this information online and at the ICANN booth.


ICANN sessions

IGF Day 0 Pre-Events: Monday, 25 November 2019

·     15:05-14:35 | Workshop: The evolving ecosystem: ICANN's role in the security and stability of the Internet []

IGF Day 1: Tuesday, 26 November 2019

·     10:45-11:45 | ICANN Open Forum: ICANN - DNS, Threats and Opportunities []

IGF Day 3: Thursday 28 November 2019

·     11:05-12:35 | Workshop: Online Identity in the Multilingual Domain Name Space []


ICANN org contact for community members and requests: Adam Peake,


REMINDER: 2020 Leadership Program

From: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement


FOR: All Community Leaders



From Wednesday, 2 October to Friday, 15 November 2019, ICANN has issued a call for nominations for the 2020 Leadership Program, scheduled for 5-6 March in Cancún, Mexico, just prior to ICANN67.


The Leadership Program helps current and incoming leaders better understand the complexities of ICANN, while also helping to develop the facilitation skills of participants. Understanding ICANN as an organization, the topics discussed within ICANN, and the interaction within other stakeholder groups can be challenging for incoming leaders, but sometimes also for experienced leaders. ICANN org and the community are making considerable efforts to help incoming leaders have a good start to their terms and to provide current leaders the opportunity to strengthen their leadership and facilitation skills.


Opportunities for Leadership Program participants include the following: 

·     Meet leaders from the other Supporting Organizations/Advisory Committees and get an insight of the functionality and issues in other groups

·     Discuss current ICANN topics in an in-depth manner

·     Deepen the understanding of key ICANN processes

·     Develop facilitation and leadership skills, focused personal effectiveness to run meetings and foster processes


Interested individuals need to be endorsed by their Supporting Organization, Advisory Committee, or stakeholder group.


Please register here [] by Friday, 15 November 2019, 23:59 UTC. The Leadership Program does not provide financial support for travel to Cancún but does cover accommodations and offer a stipend for the days a participant is involved in the program.


REMINDER: NextGen@ICANN Community Consultation

Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement


FOR: All Community Leaders



The NextGen@ICANN program is currently undergoing a community consultation [].


One request from the preliminary feedback received to-date was for ICANN org to explore the feasibility of having community volunteer representatives from Supporting Organizations (SOs), Advisory Committees (ACs), Stakeholder Groups (SGs), and Constituencies (Cs) to nominate individuals for the following two roles:

1.  NextGen Selection Committee members

2.  NextGen mentors


For the Selection Committee, a time commitment of approximately 20 hours over three weeks is required (for each application round). Selection Committee members will typically serve for two years (or six application rounds).


Mentors are expected to devote approximately 24 hours to pre-ICANN Public Meeting preparation with their mentees, to offer advice, networking support, and regular check-ins on-site, and to complete evaluations following the ICANN Public Meeting. Based on previous estimates, mentors spend about two hours per week during the six-week preparation period in advance of the meeting and about two hours per day providing on-site support at the ICANN Public Meeting. Mentors will typically serve for one year (or three meetings).


Is your group interested in nominating individuals for either of these roles? By Monday, 16 December 2019, please take the following poll [] to help ICANN org can gauge the level of community interest. The findings of this poll will inform the proposed NextGen program approach that will be published for Public Comment.


Note: You will not be asked to submit the names of potential volunteers for roles at this time. 


Public Comment



Volume 1, Issue 63 | Archive [] | Next Issue: Monday, 11 November 2019