Dear Councilors,


Two additional items to support the small team and those who want to follow it:



Kind regards,



From: Emily Barabas <>
Date: Monday, 20 March 2023 at 20:54
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [council] GAC Communique


Dear Councilors,


To support the small group’s work in reviewing the Communique, here is the standard Google Doc for responding to Advice items, with the ICANN76 Advice filled into the first two columns:


The staff support team has also prepared a Google Doc to assist the small group in organizing its thoughts on Issues of Importance, to the extent that the small group would like to suggest responses on those items: As noted in the template, the small group may suggest, and Council will determine the method of delivering each response item (for example via correspondence or dialogue) to the target audience (for example the GAC or Board).


Staff will follow up with the Councilors listed below with a doodle poll to set up a meeting. If there are other Councilors who would like to join the small group, please respond on list and we will make sure you get the doodle, as well.


Kind regards,




From: council <> on behalf of Jeff Neuman via council <>
Reply to: Jeff Neuman <>
Date: Monday, 20 March 2023 at 16:33
To: "" <>
Subject: [council] GAC Communique




Please find enclosed the GAC Communique from Cancun.  I have not yet gone through this, so I am sending it as I get it.  I believe  Mark, Susan, Manju, Bruna and Desiree have volunteered to review and provide comment.  I will work with staff to set up a Google Doc for our response.






Jeffrey J. Neuman

Founder & CEO

JJN Solutions, LLC

p: +1.202.549.5079

E: []