In anticipation of receiving the Vertical Separation of Registries and Registrars Issues Report  the end of next week (4 Dec), the current Bylaws require "the Council shall meet within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of such Report to vote on whether to initiate the PDP."  That means we need a motion (or motions) for our next meeting on 17 Dec.
It seems to me that for an issue like this that will be somewhat complicated, making a decision on initiating a PDP within as little as 13 days of receiving the issues report may be challenging, and even more so this time of year.  Also, we will not have finished our project prioritization exercise by then.  On the other hand, to the extent that a PDP could possibly result in delays of the introduction of new gTLDs, I think we don't want to contribute to any more delays if avoidable.  
So I am requesting Councilors to express your opinions in this regard. Should we consider deferring the PDP decision until January or should we vote on whether to initiate a PDP in our 17 Dec meeting?  Note that we have two meetings in January on the 7th and the 28th.  Your thoughts are requested.