Hello everyone,


Just a minor point of clarification about usage of the word “Cross Community Working Group” and the acronym “CCWG” – under the Uniform Framework of Principles for Future Cross Community Working Groups that was adopted by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils last year, it is clearly stated that “A CCWG should not be a substitute for existing mechanisms that can be used to address the problem(s) identified, including processes that are used for policy development work. A CCWG is intended to inform and enhance or supplement policy development work, and may precede it, but does not replace it.”


Hence, if there is agreement to move the work on this topic to a cross-community-based mechanism, it will likely have to be a different vehicle from what is commonly known as a “CCWG” in current ICANN usage.


I hope this is helpful.





From: <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of Phil Corwin <psc@vlaw-dc.com>
Date: Monday, June 26, 2017 at 11:30
To: avri doria <avri@apc.org>, "council@gnso.icann.org" <council@gnso.icann.org>
Subject: Re: [council] FW: FW: [Gnso-newgtld-wg] Update from the Co-Chairs on Geographic Names Sessions @ ICANN 59


In response, I believe -- and again, this is a personal view at this time -- that the starting point for any compromise should be a proposal that is limited to Geo terms and that proposes some discrete limits on governmental powers. This strawman allows any government to add any Geo, culturally significant, or any other term to the proposed  RGN without any limitation and without even the necessity for an underlying national law.


Second, I would hope that the entire Council would oppose any attempt to move a gTLD issue to a CCWG. That could be the beginning of the end of our powers and to private sector/civil society leadership. The GAC has ample opportunity to provide input to a PDP WG and of course can provide GAC advice in regard to any Final Report that is approved by Council.


From: council-bounces@gnso.icann.org <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of avri doria <avri@apc.org>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 5:22 AM
To: council@gnso.icann.org
Subject: Re: [council] FW: FW: [Gnso-newgtld-wg] Update from the Co-Chairs on Geographic Names Sessions @ ICANN 59



Just want to point out that this is just one example of a possible
starting point for  a proposal.  what we were trying to do is point out
that there are possible solution that compromise among the various
points of view.  As in any compromise we may find, it will seem odious
in part to everyone.

I would also like to point out that we are under pressure to allow this
issue to go to a CCWG.


On 26-Jun-17 10:09, Phil Corwin wrote:
> Fellow Councilors:
> As you review the Strawman please note, per page 4, that this is not
> just about Geo names. The proposed Repoitory of Geographic Names (RGN)
> would allow any government to place an unlimited number of terms into
> the RGN if the term was protected by its national law plus, in
> addition, if the government wanted to protect it for Cultural or Any
> Other Stated Reason.
> So this is a proposal to give governments virtually unlimited
> authority to veto almost any term, not just Geo names, from being
> registered at the Top Level.
> Best, Philip
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* council-bounces@gnso.icann.org
> <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of Steve Chan
> <steve.chan@icann.org>
> *Sent:* Monday, June 26, 2017 3:43 AM
> *To:* council@gnso.icann.org
> *Subject:* [council] FW: FW: [Gnso-newgtld-wg] Update from the
> Co-Chairs on Geographic Names Sessions @ ICANN 59

> Dear Councilors,

> Recirculating the message sent previously regarding geographic names.
> For your convenience, here is the direct link to the strawperson
> mentioned by Jeff:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> Co-Chairs Geographic Names Strawperson
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> docs.google.com
> How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance
> can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson
> solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context
> at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We
> hope that intere...

> Best,
> Steve

> *From: *<council-bounces@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of Steve Chan
> <steve.chan@icann.org>
> *Date: *Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 12:27 AM
> *To: *"council@gnso.icann.org" <council@gnso.icann.org>
> *Subject: *[council] FW: [Gnso-newgtld-wg] Update from the Co-Chairs
> on Geographic Names Sessions @ ICANN 59

> Dear Councilors,

> Below, please find a message from the co-chairs of the New gTLD
> Subsequent Procedures PDP WG regarding the cross community session on
> geographic names at the top-level. Of note, there are materials that
> you may want to review prior to the sessions at ICANN59.

> Best,
> Steve

> *From: *<gnso-newgtld-wg-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of Jeff Neuman
> <jeff.neuman@comlaude.com>
> *Date: *Friday, June 16, 2017 at 7:08 AM
> *To: *"gnso-newgtld-wg@icann.org" <gnso-newgtld-wg@icann.org>
> *Cc: *"Julia Golomb <jgolomb@cbuilding.org>" <jgolomb@cbuilding.org>,
> David Fairman <dfairman@cbuilding.org>
> *Subject: *[Gnso-newgtld-wg] Update from the Co-Chairs on Geographic
> Names Sessions @ ICANN 59

> All,

> Avri and I just wanted to provide an update to the Working Group on
> the Geographic Names Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday @ICANN 59.

> ICANN has retained the services of David Fairman and Julia Golomb from
> Consensus Building Institute (CBI) to help facilitate the Geographic
> Names sessions @ ICANN 59 and possibly beyond.  In preparation for
> those sessions, they will be reaching out to those that submitted
> proposals for the April Webinar as well as several community members
> to get some background on all of the various positions around this
> subject.  The purpose of their reaching out to these persons is
> strictly for their own education and to help them understand the
> complexities of the subject matter.  They believe, and we agree, that
> getting that background will provide for much more fruitful discussions.

> CBI (a non-profit collaboration and dispute resolution organization
> based in the US,www.cbuilding.org <http://www.cbuilding.org/[cbuilding.org]>) is


The Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is a not-for-profit organization empowering public, private, government and community stakeholders to negotiate and collaborate ...

> assisting us in preparing and facilitating the Johannesburg ICANN59
> cross community sessions. As a reminder, the goal of the sessions
> @ICANN59 is to clarify key geo names at the top level  policy issues,
> build a shared understanding of community interests and concerns,
> develop options that could gain broad community support, and start
> down a path to consensus on a comprehensive proposal that can be
> accepted by the ICANN Community.
> Consensus Building Institute - CBI <http://www.cbuilding.org/[cbuilding.org]>


The Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is a not-for-profit organization empowering public, private, government and community stakeholders to negotiate and collaborate ...

> www.cbuilding.org[cbuilding.org]


The Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is a not-for-profit organization empowering public, private, government and community stakeholders to negotiate and collaborate ...

> The Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is a not-for-profit
> organization empowering public, private, government and community
> stakeholders to negotiate and collaborate ...

> In preparation for ICANN 59, we are asking that everyone review the
> materials that we plan to present for discussion at the sessions:
> ·             background document:
> https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/64077479/Geo%20Names%20Webinar%20Background%20Paper.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1492716976000&api=v2[community.icann.org]
> ·             summary of proposals from community members:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sKx_vyFhhscBUyaFMwqirj8r1D6g7IFtUSa9-lnk2ZI/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com];


Sheet1 2 Character, 3 Character, Country and Territory Names, City/ State/ Region Names, Other Strings with Possible Geographic Significance Webinar Presentation/ Proposal, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ...

> and
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sKx_vyFhhscBUyaFMwqirj8r1D6g7IFtUSa9-lnk2ZI/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


Sheet1 2 Character, 3 Character, Country and Territory Names, City/ State/ Region Names, Other Strings with Possible Geographic Significance Webinar Presentation/ Proposal, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ...

> Geographic Names Proposals
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sKx_vyFhhscBUyaFMwqirj8r1D6g7IFtUSa9-lnk2ZI/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


Sheet1 2 Character, 3 Character, Country and Territory Names, City/ State/ Region Names, Other Strings with Possible Geographic Significance Webinar Presentation/ Proposal, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ...

> docs.google.com
> Sheet1 2 Character, 3 Character, Country and Territory Names, City/
> State/ Region Names, Other Strings with Possible Geographic
> Significance Webinar Presentation/ Proposal, On the ISO list, Not on
> the ISO list( ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ISO list, Not on the ISO list(
> ASCII), Non-ASCII, On the ...
> ·             co-chairs’ draft additional compromise strawperson:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com].


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> Co-Chairs Geographic Names Strawperson
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m69loOZthxrQdcCj1dIUJLkezQXr9rwGxXrechdFv1Y/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]>


How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We hope that intere...

> docs.google.com
> How clashes between trademarks and Terms of Geographical Significance
> can be avoided Aims The aim of this paper is to propose a Strawperson
> solution to the issue of terms which may have a geographical context
> at the Top Level for future TLD releases (Subsequent Procedures). We
> hope that intere...

> Because of the limited amount of time for these sessions, we are not
> going to be having a panel rehash the same presentations that were
> discussed during the webinar.  We are therefore asking that everyone
> come prepared.  We especially would like to call some attention to the
> last document referenced above (the Co-Chairs’ draft additional
> compromise strawperson).  After spending some time reviewing all of
> the proposals, Avri and I have tried to draft a Strawperson that
> includes a number of elements from most of the proposals we saw.  We
> could not draw from every proposal since some of them were
> diametrically opposed to each other.

> That said, this is just a strawperson and _not_ a proposal.  Avri and
> I are not advocates for this document, but we would be happy to answer
> any questions as to why the draft says what it says.  The sole purpose
> of putting this strawperson together is to stimulate conversation
> beyond the discussions that have taken place so far.  We understand
> that there are some very strong held positions by many members of the
> community, but we hope that by putting this together, we can hopefully
> stimulate discussion on potential compromises.

> Please let us know if you have any questions and feel free to forward
> this note to your constituencies, stakeholder groups, advisory
> committees, etc.


> Sincerely,

> Avri Doria and Jeff Neuman
> Subsequent Procedures PDP Co-Chairs

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> council@gnso.icann.org
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