Hi James,
by picking this up: could you please make reference to my email from 21 Nov with respect to the process? As time is short – and Thanksgiving is close – I wonder whether the council agrees to the process suggested.
I’ve already alerted the CSG and am confident to receive some input.

Best regards


Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 3:22 AM
To: Council
Subject: [council] FW: [Soac-infoalert] CCT Review Team Endorsement Process - DUE 17 DECEMBER
For your information.
From: <soac-infoalert-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of Charla Shambley <charla.shambley@icann.org>
Date: Monday 23 November 2015 20:01
To: "'soac-infoalert@icann.org'" <soac-infoalert@icann.org>
Cc: Eleeza Agopian <eleeza.agopian@icann.org>, Margie Milam <Margie.Milam@icann.org>
Subject: [Soac-infoalert] CCT Review Team Endorsement Process - DUE 17 DECEMBER

Dear SO/AC leaders,


We are pleased to report that we received 72 applications from individuals interested in serving on the next review team under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) that will examine the impact of new gTLDS in the areas of competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT).  Before final selection of the CCT Review Team is completed by the ICANN CEO and the GAC Chair,  we are seeking endorsements from any SO/AC for those applicants who have expressed an interest to serve as their representatives. 


If you choose to endorse an applicant, please send your endorsements by email to reviews@icann.org by  the updated deadline of 17 December at 23:59 UTC.    


In order to help with the endorsement process, below are answers to some frequently asked questions:


Is there a set allocation for SO/AC representatives?  Under the AoC, there is no set allocation per SO/AC or per stakeholder group, nor is there a maximum for total size of the review team.  


How Many Members Will be on the Review Team?  There is no set number of volunteers for the Review Team.  However, keep in mind that the review team should be comprised of members that collectively have  expertise covering the wide range of topics that are within the mandate of this review team.   Past AoC review teams were comprised of approximately 16 members.


What Were the Criteria for Applicants?  The call for volunteers lists the criteria that we were looking for.  The composition should be based on several factors, including:


<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Subject matter expertise

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->New gTLD application process/objections

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Intellectual Property

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Security & Malicious Abuse of the DNS

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Competition Issues

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Consumer Protection

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Public Policy Concerns

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Trust in the DNS

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Representation across the interested SO/ACs

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Diversity

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·         <!--[endif]-->Regional representation


For more information, please see:  https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-16-en.