

Please note below.




From: Metalitz, Steven []
Sent: 12 February 2013 22:46
To: Jonathan Robinson (; 'Glen de Saint Géry'; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (
Cc: Marilyn S. Cade (; Robin Gross (; Tony Holmes; Kristina Rosette; Chris LaHatte (
Subject: GNSO Council Vice Chair from NCPH


Jonathan and colleagues,


This is to inform you that CSG and NCSG leadership met on the sidelines of the recent NCPH intersessional meeting and agreed that Wolf Ulrich Knoben will continue to serve as the Vice Chair of the Council  from our House for the remainder of this term.  The two stakeholder groups also agreed on a protocol for selection of Vice Chair for the term beginning at the ICANN annual meeting in Buenos Aires, and further agreed to meet no later than the second ICANN meeting of 2014 to set procedures for selection of vice chair for the following term and perhaps beyond.  The two SGs thank  ICANN Ombudsman Chris LaHatte for his assistance in helping us reach this agreement.    


Steve Metalitz, for CSG